Final Project

  • Abraham Licoln Elected

    Abraham Licoln Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected as president of the United States. Lincoln is the 16th president and the first republican to be elected. Lincolns election caused the Souths secession.
  • Civil War Starts

    Civil War Starts
    The civil war started on April 12, 1861 at 4;30 A. M. The first shots of the war were fired by southern or confederate troops. The shots were fired onto fort Sumter where the Northern or Union troops were asleep. Less than 34 hours later the Union troops surrendered. No one died during the battle.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Antietam is know as the bloodiest battle day. The battle was fought near Sharpsburg, Maryland. The battle only lasted around 12 hours. This battle caused the introduction of the emancipation proclamation.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Vicksburg

    This battle took place near Vicksburg , Mississippi. The battle was for control of the Mississippi River. A valuable resource for transporting. The Confederate surrendered to the Union.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg is said to be the turning point in the war. This battle was won by the Union. The main reason that the Union won was just the fact that they had many more soldiers fighting.
  • Battle of Vicksburg Picture

    Battle of Vicksburg Picture
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg address was delivered by president Abraham Lincoln. The speech was just over two minutes long but is still thought to be one of the most influential speeches ever. It was delivered to the Union soldiers after they had defeated the Confederacy soldiers.
  • Sherman's March Picture

    Sherman's March Picture
  • Period: to

    Sherman's March

    The march was from Atlanta to Savannah Georgia. The gaining of Savannah for the Union struck the end of the Confederacy. During the march they destroyed not just military but civilian property.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    The end of the Civil War came when General Lee surrendered to General Grant. Many African Americans thought this would mark the end of inequalities as well but they were mistaken. The end of the war ended slavery in the United States.
  • Lincoln's assassination

    Lincoln's assassination
    President Lincoln was assassinated in Fords theater while attending a play. He was assassinated by a well known stage actor in John Wilkes Booth. He was the first American president to be killed while in office.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    This battle took place in Mananas Junction, Virginia. This battle was the biggest of this time period. The Confederate won the battle which was a big boost to Confederate morale.
  • 13th Amendment Ends Slavery

    13th Amendment Ends Slavery
    The 13th amendment ended slavery in the United States. This made it so that all slaves living in the United States to be free. This is one of the most monumental amendments and signaled the end to war over slavery.
  • Start of the KKK

    Start of the KKK
    The Ku Klux Klan was founded by white men against African Americans gaining rights. They wanted them to still be treated as lesser and not live like everyone else. By 1870 the KKK had members in every Southern state. They gained power by intimidating white men in the government to vote how they wanted.
  • 30,000 of Railroad track

    30,000 of Railroad track
    This is when railroad is just starting to boom. The track is called the transcontinental railroad. It is a major feat as it leads from Omaha, Nebraska to San Francisco , California.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    The Jim Crow laws introduced segregation into the Southern U.S. This stated that African Americans were lesser than the white people around them. It caused places to have 2 of things one for each race. Normally the African Americans were not nice and often the old used from the whites area.
  • 21,000,000 Miles of Railroad Track

    21,000,000 Miles of Railroad Track
    The railroad is the newest and fastest way to travel and is rapidly expanding its business. Over 20,970,000 miles of track were laid in the 21 year time span. The work of laying track is one of the most dangerous jobs men had at the time.
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    Corporate abuses and mismanagement led to railroads being in financial trouble. It was an economic depression. The depression caused many banks to fail.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    Germany Invades Belgium
    Germany invades Belgium trying to pass to get to France. The Germans demand passage but Belgium denies their request. Then Germany declares war on Belgium and Great Britain promises support to help keep Germany at bay.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated causing a diplomatic crisis. His assassination is said to be the event that lead to the first world war. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for his death.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Germany started using tactics of which they sunk ships of every county but Germany without warning. This is what caused the sinking of the Lusitania, what made the U.S. enter the war. Start of Germany controlling the seas over Britain who couldn't fight the submarines since they couldn't see them with their large battleships.
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    This treaty is what brought WWI to an end. It is what gave Germany responsibility for the wars damages. It is also what officially ended the Central Powers.