final exam timeline

  • 1258 BCE

    abbasid caliphate

    this was a major dynasty that ruled over the islamic empires at the height of its rule. their leader was called they caliph.
  • 618

    tang and song

    these dynasties were the golden age of chinese history. they lead to the inventions of paper money, tea drinking, gunpowder, compass, and the action of printing things. these dynasties lasted until the mongols took over around 1279.
  • 1206

    delhi sultanate

    these were 5, short ruling islamic kingdoms, of pashtun/turkish origin. they ruled in the delhi area from 1206-1526, until they were eventually overthrown by the mughals that established an empire in india there.
  • 1235

    mali empire

    this was in empire founded by Sundiata Keita, and become known for there wealthy status, and rulers. This was the largest empire in west africa and very much changed and influnenced west african cultures because of the spread of its language, laws, and customs.
  • 1271

    yuan dynasty

    This is another name for the ruling of china under the mongol empire. they ruled from 1279-1368 until it was taken over by the ming after fighting for hundreds of years.
  • 1299

    ottoman empire

    this was a state that controlled most of the southeast of europe, western asia, and north africa for 6 centries. there first leader was osman 1, after a couple centries it declined.
  • 1300

    feudalism in europe

    Feudalism is a set of legal and military stants that took place during medieval europe. They were the most sucessful during the 9th and 15th centuries. but ultimatly it was a system that structured its people around having land or holding it. this is known as fiefdom, and they would do this in exchange of services or labours.
  • 1300

    mongol empire

    This chinese empire was the largest land empire in the history of the world, that unified nomadic mongols and turkish tribes together into one big scene. They had a good rise and start with the ruler of genghis khan and other khans, but then slowly started to fragment in 1368.
  • 1347

    bubonic plague

    the plague arrived in europe in 1347 from ships, and when docked they saw the damage they brought back with them with crew members and sailors already dead with black boils and blood. this diesease only spread from here with millions of deaths from europe alone.
  • 1368

    ming dynasty

    the ming dynasty came after the collapse of the yuan, which was mongol lead. this dynasty was tye last of the imperial dynasties to rule in china.
  • 1400

    aztec and inca empires

    These civilizations along with the mayans were the most advanced civilizations in the americas before europe showed up. the aztec's were mostly located central mexico until the spanish arrived.
  • 1400

    age of exploration

    this is a term for the period in european history where they did lots of over seas exploration to find new things, expand there countries and globalization.
  • 1492

    spanish colonial empire

    this is also known as the hispanic monarchy and as the catholic monarchy. but this later became one of the largest empires in history, because of the discovery of the americas it opened a gate way for new empires in the new world, thus spain starting a new and very large empire.
  • 1500

    european renaissance

    This was a time period of european cultural, artistic, political and economic change and rebirth. this promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.
  • 1500

    portuguese trading post empire

    These were designed post to moniter and control trading routes by forcing ships to pay dues to the post, there were more then 50 post by the mid 16 century, all along the west africa and east asian coast.
  • 1500

    atlantic slave trade

    this was a people trade system, that enslaved many african people or others and transported them to mainly the americas to have them be slaves to other people.the routes were in a triangular shape going from africa to america, to europe.
  • 1517

    the reformation

    movement in europe for westernized christianity, that gave religious and political problems to the roman catholic churches. This caused many issues, riots, and disputs.
  • 1526

    munghal empire

    this was a self designed empire that controlled most of south asia for three centuries. this was born by the decline of the mongols are started by one of the mongol decendents.
  • tokugawa shogunate

    this was the feudal military government of japan during the edo period in japan, it lasted from 1600-1868 with there main religions being buddhism and shintoism
  • qing dynasty

    this was the last imperial dynasty to ever be in china, that lasted from 1644-1912, this came after the ming and then was taken over by the republic china.
  • the enlightenment

    this is an european intellectual movement, which held ideas on god, reason, nature, and humanity that were synthesized into a big worldly view.
  • industrial revolution

    this was the transitioning to new manufacturing processes in europe and the united states, that lead to faster ways of getting products made faster, horrible working conditions, and had many positives and negitives.
  • american revolution

    This was a colonial revolt between england and its american colony that resulted in a war for freedom. this stated because of unfair things between england and the americans, and england wouldn't listen and be fair. eventually the americans won with help from other countries and is now there own country.
  • french revolution

    This was another war started due to political and social issues between france and its colonies, france lost and lost there colonies while the colonies gained there freedom.
  • haitian revolution

    This was a successful battle between haitian slaves and french colonial rule. the haitian slaves wanted there freedom, and saw that america and other french colonies could do it, so they rows up and fought for freedom too and won.
  • tanzimat reforms

    these were the times that the ottoman empire was trying to westernize there culture of theere people, bring in major change and some conflict.
  • opium wars

    these were two huge wars fought between the qing dynasty of china and great britain. this was the result of britain causing issues between the trading of opium with them and china. as a result of a war however hongkong compromised china's territorial sovereignty.
  • taiping rebellion

    civil war in china against the qing dynasty and taiping heavenly kindom.
  • sepoy mutiny

    indian rebellion in india against the british east india company.
  • meiji revolution

    the event that restored pratical imperial rule to the empire of japan.
  • scramble for africa

    this was the taking and spliting of africa into pieces for the colonization of european countries in charge of the broken areas.
  • berlin conference

    this was the conference to regruate european colonization and trade in africa.