

  • Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933

    Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
    Government brought livestock for slaughter and paid farmers subsides to not plant on land. This created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1933-1942). The AAA photographed one-third of the land surface of the U.S and created a huge map to determine compliance in the agricultural conservation program, plan soil conservation and public works projects, lay out roads, forests and public parks, and improve national defense (1937).
  • Agricultural Act of 1956

    Agricultural Act of 1956
    The Agricultural Act of 1956 created the soil bank program, addressed the disposal of commodity credit corporation inventories of surplus stocks, contained commodity support program provisions, and contained forestry provisions.
    Soil bank program- Authorized short- and long-term removal of land from production with annual rental payments to participants.
    The Act addressed disposal of commodity credit corporations- removal of surplus stocks.
  • Food and Security Act of 1985

    Food and Security Act of 1985
    Its purpose was to extend and revise agricultural price support and related programs. This act provides for agricultural export, farm credit, agricultural research and related programs, and resource conservation. The bill continued to assist low-income people with food, and ensured food and fiber at reasonable prices.
  • Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018

    Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018
    The Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018's purpose was to provide support, certainty, and stability to our nation's farmers, ranchers and forest managers by enhancing farm support programs, improving crop insurance, maintaining disaster programs, and promoting and supporting voluntary conservation.