• Balfour Statement

    It was the first recognition of Jewish national aspirations by a major international power, which had a profound impact on international diplomacy, contributed to ending Ottoman rule in the region and shaped the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, preparing the ground for the recurring national demands in Palestine.
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    the mandate of the League of Nations

    The mandate includes a commitment to implement the Balfour Declaration and facilitate Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine. The mandate led to almost 30 years of British control over the region, which ended in 1948.
  • Creation of Haganá

    The Haganah was a Jewish paramilitary organization that played an important role in defending Jewish communities during the British Mandate of Palestine.
    Initially formed to protect Jewish communities from local Arab attacks, the Haganah later evolved into one of the Jewish community's main military organizations.
  • The Hebron Massacre

    The Hebron Massacre of 1929 was a violent incident in the city of Hebron during British Mandate Palestine, which took place in August 1929. Arab residents attacked the Jewish community, resulting in the deaths of around 67 Jewish residents. , among them women and children, and injuries to many others.
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    The Arab Revolt

    It was a period of intense Arab resistance and rebellion against British colonial rule and Jewish immigration during Mandate Palestine.
    In the revolt, there were widespread strikes, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience by Arab residents in the region.