Field of IDT

By colt58
  • Period: to

    First Recorded use of Media for Instructional Purposes

    First time that school museums came into existence. These museums were used for educational purposes.
  • First recorded use of Term "Visual Education"

  • Department of Visual Instruction was created

    Three visual instruction groups joined together to form on big group known as the DVI
  • "Visualizing the Curriculum" was written

    Most important visual instruction textbook written during the 1920s and 1930s
  • Behavioral Learning Theory Began

    B.F. Skinner began to introduce behaviorism into the field of IDT
  • World War II Training Films

    World War II Training Films
    In 1945, German Chief of General Staff said how the one thing they could not account for was the speed with which the United States was able to train its soldiers.
  • Gagne's Theory of Instruction

    Proposed a theory based on two foundations. These two were: 1. cognitive information processing theory 2. Gagne's own observations of effective teachers in the classroom.
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    The Criterion-Referenced Testing Movement

    A test intended to measure how well an individual can perform a set of behaviors, regardless of how others may perform.
  • "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction" was written

    "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction" was written
    A book written by Robert Mager which gives a guideline to educators on how to teach
  • "The Conditions of Learning" was written

    "The Conditions of Learning" was written
    Robert Gagne wrote a monumental book in the ID world where he described 5 types of learning
  • Carnegie Commission on Educational Television

    Educational television, if removed from schools, would have no affect on the educational system.
  • Cognitive Information Processing Theory Rose to Prominence

    In the 1970's Cognitive Information Processing Theory rose to prominence among psychologists.
  • Several Branches of US Military Adopts Instructional Design Model

    Several Branches of US Military Adopts Instructional Design Model intended to guide the training and development of soldiers
  • ADDIE Model Created

    The ADDIE Model is first created for the US Army. It was later changed and adapted to fit and organizations needs
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    Change to Cognitive Learning Theory

    In the 1980's, Instructional psychologists and professionals began to shift to Cognitive Learning Theory.
  • Computer's for Instructional Purposes

    Computer's for Instructional Purposes
    By January of 1983, computers were being used in more than 40% of elementary schools and more than 75% of secondary schools in the United States.
  • Anchored Instruction Model

    In order for people to retrieve knowledge, they must experience it to the point that they know when to use it
  • Situated Learning Theory

    In 1990, Situated Learning Theory emerged. This theory puts a greater focus on individual learning than the other theories do. It focuses on the social and cultural effects of learning.
  • Shift to Constructivism

    Constructivism is not a single theory, but a collection of views sharing a fundamental assumption about learning.
  • Impact of Computers on Students

    A substantial number of teachers reported little to no use of computers for learning.
  • Period: to

    Internet presenting instruction to learners

    For the last 15 years, the internet has opened a whole new world of educational opportunities
  • Pebble-in-the-Pond

    Merrill first introduced this model for Instructional design.
  • Online Courses

    At least 32% of students involved in higher learning were enrolled in at least one online course
  • Successive Approximation Model was created

    SAM was created as an alternative to ADDIE.
  • Smart Phone in IT

    Smart Phone in IT
    64% of college students reported to using a smart phone for schoolwork at least 2-3 times per week