FFA Timeline

  • 1700's

    General James Oglethorpe: implemented an agriculture education program for Georgia. Established the 1st experiment station in the US- The trustees in Savannah, GA
    Tomochici: held conference with settlers to teach them Native American Agriculture.
    Mary Musgrove: employed as an interpreter for the Ag Ed Program.
  • 1830's

    Cyrus McCormick patents the Reaper.(1834)
    John Deere manufactures steel plows.(1837)
  • 1840's

    Sir John Lawes invents Commercial Fertilizer.
    Grain Drill patented.
    Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle imported.
  • 1850's

    Factory-made agriculture machinery readily available
    Farmers begin to organize
  • 1860's

    Morrill Land Grant Act passed
    U.S. Department of Agriculture established.
  • 1870's

    Steam Powered Tractor introduced
    Refrigerated freight cars introduced
    Barbed wire patented
  • 1880's

    First hybrid crop developed-Corn
    First pesticide discovered
    Federal Hatch Act passed
  • 1890's

    First gasoline tractor built
    Boll weevil invades US cotton.
    Rural Free delivery
  • 1900's

    George Washington Carver found new uses for peanuts
    Hog Cholera serum developed
    First Ag extension agent hired
  • 1910's

    Disease resistant plants developed
    Mechanical combine developed
    American farmer bureau organized
    Smith-Lever Act passed
    Smith-Hughes Act
  • 1920's

    Small tractor developed
    Future Farmers of America founded
    Ag research lays groundwork for second Ag revolution.