Month 1
BY END OF MONTH - about 1/4 an inch
-DNA formed, along with the formation of the face
- The embryo is implanted -
Month 2
BY END OF MONTH -about an inch, weighing about 1/3 of an ounce
-limbs form, brain begins to develop
-heart is beating, slight, undetectable movements made -
Month 3
BY END OF MONTH -about 3 to 4 inches long, weighs about one ounce
-all of baby's organs are present, as well as ligaments, even developing fingernails
-slight movement, gender normally not detectable yet -
Month 4
BY END OF MONTH - 5 to 6 inches long, weighing about 4 ounces
- hair and teeth begin to develop, as well as digestive system
-mother may begin to feel movement, may also be able to determine gender -
Month 5
BY END OF MONTH -about 8 inches long, weighing 3/4 to 1 pound
-fingerprints developed, ears are developed
-can determine gender, fetus could be sucking on thumb, may also be able to hear you now -
Month 6
BY END OF MONTH - around 10 inches in length, weighing anywhere from 1 1/2 pounds to 2 1/4 pounds
-baby's eyes can open and close, vocal cords can function
- grip reflex is now acquired as well as startle -
Month 7
BY END OF MONTH - about 12 inches in length, weighing around 3 pounds
-body fat begins to increase, bones (besides skull) are fully developed now
-fetus hiccups more often, and is able to cry, movements may be visible -
Month 8
BY END OF MONTH - about 12 inches long, weighing around 5 pounds
-lungs and brain continues to develop in order to function outside of the womb
-movements may slow during this month, fetus should be head down -
Month 9
BY END OF MONTH - about 21 inches long, weighing 7 to 8 pounds
- lungs continue to mature, as well as the brain
-birth occurs around end of month