Ovulation is normally a week before a woman's period starts. This is the week that the egg is able to meet the sperm to start the creation of the baby. -
Every 28 days an ovum (an egg cell) is released by one of a woman's ovaries. When the sperm is fertilizing the ovum, this is conception. An ovum lived 12 to 24 hours. Sperm has a time span of 48 to 72 hours to fertilize an ovum. -
One Month
Size: at two weeks, the size of a pin head.
Egg attaches to lining of the uterus.
Brain and spinal cord develop rapidly.
Internal organs and circulatory system form.
A heart beat appears. -
Two Months
About 1/4 inch long in the beginning of the month
Facial and bodily features take place
Begin to form bones -
Three Months
About 1 inch long in the beginning of the month
Nostrils, mouth, lips,and eyelids form.
Buds for all 20 baby teeth appear.
Fingers and toes are almost complete.
All organs present but still immature. -
Four Months
About 3 inches long. Weighs 1 ounce as month starts.
Can suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around
Facial features become clearer. -
Five Months
About 6-7 inches long. Weighs about 4-5 ounces at the start of the month.
Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear.
Teeth continue to develop.
Organs are maturing.
They move more. -
Month 6
About 8-10 inches long. Weighs about 8-12 ounces in the beginning of the month.
Fat deposits under skin, but fetus appears wrinkled.
Breathing movement begins. -
Seven Months
About 10-12inches long. Weighs about 1-2 pounds in the beginning of the month.
Has periods of activity followed by rest and quiet -
Eight Months
About 14-16 inches long. Weighs about 2-3 pounds in the beginning of the month
Rapid weight gain
may react to loud noises with a flex jerking action.
Moves into a head down position. -
Nine Months
About 17-18 inches long. Weight 5-6 pounds at the start of the month.
Weight gain continues.
Skin becomes smooth as fat deposits continue.
Movements decrease as the fetus has less room to move around.
Acquires disease-fighting antibodies from the mother's blood.
Descends into pelvis, ready for birth.