Fetal Development Timeline

  • First month first trimester

    First month first trimester
    Egg is released from the ovaries and it meets up with sperm in the Fallopian tubes, then attaches to the uterus.The egg grows by cell division, and is about the size of a pinhead, at the end of the month the zygote is known as an embryo and is 1/10 of an inch long. The heart begins beating at the end of month one. Small bumps indicate arms and legs
  • 2nd month First trimester

    2nd month First trimester
    The embryo is one inch long and has visible veins, develops all major organ systems, the heart is divided. By the end of this month the placenta and the umbilical cord is developed. The cord is very stiff and does not loosen till baby is being born. The embryo is surrounded by tons of amniotic fluid.
  • 3rd month First trimester

    3rd month First trimester
    The fetus is now about one inch long and has nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and the eyelids are formed. The fingers and toes are almost finished. All organs are formed and the heart beat can be heard.
  • Fourth month Second trimester

    Fourth month Second trimester
    The baby is about three inches long and weighs one ounce. He/she can suck their thumb, swallow, and hiccup. Quickening may occur. The facial features are more clear and baby is covered in a layer of hair called lanugo.
  • Eighth month Third trimester

    Eighth month Third trimester
    Baby weighs about 2 1/2 - 3 pounds and is 14-16 inches long. The body of the baby is well-formed, might react to loud noises with jerking action, and usually moves into head down position.
  • Fifth month Second trimester

    Fifth month Second trimester
    Vernix begins to form on the baby's skin. By the end of month 5, the baby will be almost 8 inches long. Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear. Organs are maturing and the baby becomes more active.
  • Sixth month Second trimester

    Sixth month Second trimester
    Baby is about 8-10 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. Fat is deposited under skin and breathing movements begin. If the pregnant lady talks or sings, the baby can hear her.
  • Seventh month Third trimester

    Seventh month Third trimester
    The baby weighs about 1 1/2- 2 pounds and is 10-12 inches long. Fingernails are formed and cover the fingertips. By the end of month 7, the fetus can live outside of the womb but will need a lot of medical help.
  • Ninth month Third trimester

    Ninth month Third trimester
    Baby is about 5-6 pounds and measures 17-18 inches. The skin becomes smooth, he/she moves around less because they are crowded, baby takes "fetal" position, and fetus descends into pelvis and is ready to be born.