Fetal Development Timeline

  • Month 1

    The size would be about as big as a pinhead. The internal organs, circulatory system, brain, and spinal cord beings forming. The heart begins beating.
  • Month 2

    The size would be about 1/4 inch (6mm) long. The face, eyes, ears, and limbs start taking shape. The bones begin to form.
  • Month 3

    The size is about 1 inch (15mm). The nostrils, mouth, and eyelids form along with the fingers and toes that are almost complete. All of the organs are present but they are still immature.
  • Month 4

    The size would be about 3 inches (7.6 cm) long and it would weigh 1 ounce. The facial features start becoming clear. It can can suck it's thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around.
  • Month 5

    The size would be about 6 1/2- 7 inches (16-18 cm) long and it will weigh about 5-4 ounces. Their hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear along with the teeth developing and organs maturing. The baby also becomes more active.
  • Month 6

    The size would be about 8-10 inches (21-25 cm) long and it'll weigh about 8-12 ounces. The fat deposits under the skin while that makes the fetus appear wrinkled. The breathing movements begin.
  • Month 7

    The size would be about 10-12 inches (25-31 cm) long and it'll weigh about 1 1/2- 2 pounds. No organs are currently developing at this time. There are periods of activity that are followed with rest periods and quiet time.
  • Month 8

    The size would be about 14-16 inches (36-41 cm) long and it'll weigh about 2 1/2- 3 pounds. There is a rapid weight gain that is continuing. The baby may react to loud noises with a reflex of jerking motions and also moves into a head-down position.
  • Month 9

    The size would be about 12-18 inches (43-46 cm) long and it'll weigh about 5-6 pounds. The weight gain continues along with the skin becoming smooth as the fat deposits. The movement decreases as the fetus has less room to move around.