fetal development timeline

By jnjmyg
  • month 1

    the baby is about 1/2 an inch long, weighs about an ounce. size of a grain of rice.
  • month 2

    baby is around the size of a grape, digestive system is forming.
  • month 3

    the baby weighs a little more than an ounce. kidneys are functioning, hair is growing,teeth buds are forming.
  • month 4

    the baby is almost 3 times the size it was last month and 5 times the weight. its able to recognize its sleep cycle and can swallow amniotic fluid, and is able to urinate.
  • month 5

    the lungs are able to now exhale amniotic fluid. urinary system is working and external genitals are now distinctly male or female. baby is 1/2 lb to 1 lb, and about 8-12 in long.
  • month 6

    its skin is becoming less transparent as it gains fat. baby can now hear and become startled at loud bangs. baby is now 11-14 in long and weighs about 2 lbs.
  • month 7

    the baby weighs around 3 lbs and is around 15-16 inches long. bones are hardening and eyes can open and close. hair is becoming thicker and darker.
  • month 8

    lungs are fully functional and strong. baby weighed to be about 5 lbs and 18 in long.
  • month 9

    the baby grows about 1/2 an lb a week, baby starts labor by producing hormones that trigger contractions. baby is 6-9 lbs by now and 20+ inches long.