Month 1
The Zygote is the size of a pin head and the heart has started to beat and is no larger than the size of a poppy seed. The egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. -
Month 2
Zygote is 1/4 of an inch long and has distinct features such as, slightly webbed fingers and eyes, face, head and ears has developed. Veins are clearly visible and the heart has divided into left and right chambers. Zygote changes into an embryo at the end of 8 weeks. -
Month 3
The fetus is 1 inch long and is fully formed and has begun to swallow and kick. All organs and muscles have formed and are starting to function. -
Month 4
Baby is covered in a downy thick layer of hair called lanugo. The babies heart beat can be heard clearly and when the mother may feel the babies first kick. The baby is now 3 inches long. -
Month 5
A protective coating called vernix caseosa forms on the babies skin. The baby is now 6 1/2- 7 inches long and weighs 4-5 ounces. -
Month 6
Eyelids and eyebrows are visible now and the babies lungs are now filled with amniotic fluid and has started breathing motions. If the mother talks or sings the baby can hear it. The baby is about 8-10 inches and weighs 8-12 ounces. -
Month 7
At the beginning of this month the baby weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is about 14-16 inches long. The babies body is well formed and fingernails cover the fingertips. -
Month 8
Baby is gaining about 1/2 pound each week and layers of fat are piling on the baby. The baby is likely to be turned head down for birth. The baby weighs in between 2 1/2 - 3 pounds. -
Month 9
Baby is a large 5-6 pounds and measures between, 17-18 inches. As the baby becomes more crowded the mother may feel it move less.