Fetal Development Timeline

By Tionah
  • Fertilization:Spern Penetrates Egg

    Once the sperm makes it's way to the egg and Penetrates it, the egg surface will change to prevent another sperm from coming in. This is when the Genetic makeup happens and determines the gender
  • Conception:Egg to Embryo

    This is the process of the sperm fertilizing egg.
  • Ovulation

    Every month,both ovaries in a woman's body release a mature egg.
  • Moving to the Fallopian Tube

    The egg releases to be fertilized by a single sperm in The Fallopian tube,
  • The cells start to divide

    This is when the rapid process od division begans after the egg is fertilized.
  • Implantation

    This is when the Fertilized egg attached to the lining tissues of the uterus. The cells still continue to divide
  • Pregnancy Hormones

    The cells produce HCG and it eventually forms the placnta. This is when the woman can start taking pregnancy test.
  • Fetal Development

    You can now call the baby a fetus. There is already a heartbeat and the baby is already about a 1/2 inch long.
  • Week 7

    The baby's spinal cord and backbone begin to develop, Also, the amniotic sac and fluid are forming. This is to protect and provide cushoning for your baby, Also, the genitals begin to develop
  • Week 9

    Buds for the baby's future teeth start to appear. The baby's fingers and toes begin to form.The bones and muscles continue to grow.
  • Week 11

    At this time, the hands are more developed than the feet. The legs are shorter than the arms, but it wont stay this way.