.The size of the fetus will be growing soon so no relevent size yet.
. There are no organs developing yet during conception.
. The fetus is not cabale of doing anything yet becasue the egg just got fertelized. -
Month 9
. The size is 19 to 20 inches long now.
. The babies lungs are mature. the baby is now fully developed and can survive outside the mother’s body.
. The baby settles down lower in the abdomen to prepare for birth and may seem less active. -
Month 1
. The size of the fetus is about a 1/4 inch long during the first month.
. During the fist month the heart,digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form.
. The fetus is capable of attaching to the lining in the uterus. -
Month 2
. The size of the baby is about 1-1/8 inches long.
. During the second month of pregnancy the heart is functioning, the penis starts to form in boys, the Eyes, nose, lips, tongue, ears and teeth are forming as well.
. The baby is moving even though the mom cant feel it yet. -
. The baby is approximatley 2-1/2 to 3 inches long.
.During month 3 the baby develops recognizable form.
Nails start to develop and earlobes are formed.
Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes are fully formed.
Eyes are almost fully developed.
Baby has developed most organs and tissues during this month.
. the Baby's heart rate can be heard at 10 weeks -
Month 4
. The size of the baby is now 6-1/2 to 7 inches long
. During month 4 the baby is developing reflexes, such as sucking and swallowing, and may begin sucking his or her thumb.
Tooth buds are developing.
Sweat glands are forming on palms and soles.
. The baby is recongnizable but cannot survive outside his mama yet. -
Month 5
. Month 5 the baby is 8 to 10 inches long.
. In month 5 hair begins to grow on baby’s head,internal organs are maturing,eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes appear.
. The mama can feel fetal movement. -
Month 6
. The baby is 11 to 14 inches long.
. the babies eyelids begin to part and eyes open sometimes for short periods of time.
. the baby is able to hiccup. -
Month 7
. The size of the baby is now14 to 16 inches long
. The babies taste buds have developed, fat layers have develepod, organs are maturing.
.the baby can be born but if born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care. -
Month 8
. The size of the baby is 16-1/2 to 18 inches long at this time.
. Overall growth is rapid this month tremendous brain growth occurs at this time most body organs are now developed, except for the lungs.
. The baby kicks enough where it can be seen outside the body of the mama. Most body organs are now developed, except for the lungs