Fetal Development timeline

  • Month 1

    • the Fertilized egg grows and develops, forming a small sac of liquid around itself called the amniotic sac.
    -the placenta begins to develop during this time as well -the baby will begin to develop a primitive facial structure, complete with holes for eyes, their mouth, throat, and trachea forming along with it. The baby will develop their heart and veins/arteries/ towards the end of the first month, and the baby is around 1/4th of an inch (Smaller than a grain of rice!) in size
  • Month 2

    -The body and features of the fetus begin to develop, small buds that will soon grow into arms and legs form, along with the beginning stages of toes, fingers, eyes, and ears.
    • The baby begins to develop their neural tube, spinal cord, and various other parts of the CNS, and cartilage slowly begins to turn into bone at this point.
    -at 6 weeks, their heartbeat can be detected. After the 8th week, the baby is referred to as a fetus instead of an embryo
  • Month 3

    -the baby now has fully functional limbs, and a functioning mouth. nails and other extremities begin to form, as well as their teeth. their reproductive organs begin to develop as well. -at the end of the third month, the baby is fully formed, all organ systems are functioning, and their limbs will continue to develop and grow to become more functional. -At this stage, the baby is around 4 inches long, and weighs around 1 ounce. Chance of miscarriage lowers greatly around this time.
  • Month 4

    -At this stage, it is possible to hear the baby's heartbeat on a machine called a Doppler. the baby now has well defined toes and fingers, and has fully formed toenails, fingernails, eyelashes, eyelids, hair, and teeth. -around this time, the nervous system begins to function, and doctors can determine gender through an ultrasound as their reproductive organs have fully formed at this point in time -By the end of the fourth month, the baby is four inches long, and weighs 4 ounces
  • Month 5

    -As the baby's muscular system begins to develop more and more, you may begin to feel them move. this movement is known as quickening. -the baby is covered in a slimy substance known as lanugo, which is thought to protect the baby while it's within the amniotic sac. their hair begins to grow on their head as well. they also develop a downy fuzz that falls away after their first week of life By the end of the fifth month, your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.
  • Month 6

    -the baby now has translucent skin of a reddish color, and you can start to see veins through it. they also have developed finger prints and toe prints. -the baby also begins to respond to various sounds by raising or lowering its heartbeat. -By the end of the 6th month the baby should be about 12 inches in length, and around 2 lbs in weight. If the baby is prematurely delivered after the 23rd week, there is a possibility of survival, provided that they are given immediate intensive care.
  • Month 7

    -The baby now has fully developed hearing, and responds to various stimuli such as pain, sound, and touch. -At the end of the seventh month, your baby is about 14 inches long and weighs from 2 to 4 pounds. -After the seventh month, the baby is far more likely to survive if born prematurely.
  • Month 8

    -Your baby will continue to mature and develop reserves of body fat. You may notice that your baby is kicking more. The baby's brain is developing rapidly at this time, and your baby can now see and hear. -The majority of the baby's systems should be working, though it is possible for their respiratory system to be underdeveloped. -Your baby should be around.18 inches long, and can weigh up to 5 lbs
  • Month 9

    Your baby's reflexes are coordinated so he or she can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light, and touch. Baby is definitely ready to enter the world! Around this time you might notice less movement from the baby due to space limitations within the womb. In addition to this, the baby begins to move towards the birth canal, facing it head-first. The baby is typically around 18-20 inches in size, and weighs about 7 lbs