Week 2
Baby Center The lining of the uterus is thickening to preprare for a fertilized egg.During the three- to four-day trip from your Fallopian tube to the uterus, the fertilized egg (now called a zygote) will divide into 16 identical cells. Once it enters the uterus, the zygote is called a morula. A day or two later, it will begin burrowing into the uterus lining of the us, continuing its amazing growth and transformation. -
Week 4
Baby CenterThe primitive placenta is also made up of two layers.Its cells are tunneling into the lining of the uterus, creating spaces for the blood to flow so that the developed placenta will be able to provide nutrients and oxygen to the growing baby when it starts to function at the end of this week. The amniotic sac -
Week 6
Baby CenterThe nose mouth and ears are beginnng to form. The babie's heart is beating 100 to 160 beats per minute. The majority of it's organs are developed and still developing such as intestines, muscles, the brain, and bones. -
Week 10
Baby Center The baby is now about an inch long and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce. Tissues and organs in the body begin to rapidly grow. The kidneys, brain, intestines, and liver are now functioning -
Week 13
Baby Center Fingerprints have formed on the baby's fingertips. The baby is now about 3 inches long. It's veins and organs are now visible through it's skin -
Week 16
Baby CenterThe baby is now four and a half inches and three and a half inches. It is now starting to grow toenails. The baby's heart is now pumping about 35 quarts of blood each day. -
Week 17
The baby's skeleton is currently changing from cartilage to bone. The umbilical cord is growing stronger. The baby now weighs about five ounces and five inches. -
Week 20
Baby centerThe quickly growing baby is now six and a half inches long and ten and a half ounces. It is now producing meconium which will stay in his bowels until birth. -
Week 25
Baby CenterThe baby is now about 13.5 inches long and about a pound and a half. It is now growing baby fat. More hair will start to grow on it's head. It's wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out which makes it look like a newborn. -
Week 36
Baby CenterThe baby is now almost 6 pounds and and 18.5 inches long. It is now shedding its downy and the vernix caseosa. It will swallow these substances which will then turn into meconium.