Fetal development

Fetal Development Time line

  • Week 4

    Week 4
    In week four the heart and cranial nerves become visible. The arm and leg buds also become visible. The heart starts a regular rhythm. This is typically the week you find out you are pregnent.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    At week eight the embryo is now called a fetus. The eyelids and facial features continue to develop and the skeleton is well formed.Their elbows and toes are visible. www.pampers.com.
  • week 12

    week 12
    During week twelve the fetus is three inches long. Also the fetus' face and it's features are well formed. They will be able to open and close their fists.The head makes up nearly half the fetus.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    During week sixteen the fetus is five inches long and weighs about four ounces. Fine hair called lanugo develops on the fetus's head. Also the bones become harder. www.pampers.com.
  • week 20

    week 20
    during week twenty the fetus is six to seven inches long and can weigh from ten to twelve ounces. Nails appear on the finger and toes and a heart beat can be felt with a stethoscope.
  • week 24

    week 24
    During week twenty-four the fetus is about nine inches long and weighs about one point five pounds. In this week the fetus has footprints that are visible and formed as well as fingerprints. Also the air sac has formed in the lungs. The fetus is also ganing three ounces a week. The eyelids can be seen pretty clearly now. www.pampers.com.
  • week 28

    week 28
    During week twenty-eight the nervous system is pretty much devoloped now. Also, the eye of the fetus can open and close much better. The fetus can also respond to sounds by kicking or other movements. This is because the brain can now wave patterns. The fetus's brain waves can show sleep patterns.
  • week 32

    week 32
    The fetus is now about ten to twelve inches or more. Most likely the fetus is larger. The fetus is about three pounds or more.. The fetus can suck it's thumb. The fetus most likely has changed positions to head down if not already. The fetus may or may not change positions until birth. www.pampers.com.
  • week 36

    week 36
    The fetus's bones in it's skull aren't fused together yet. The fetus is about nineteen inches from head to foot. It is about five to six pounds. The fetus may like a certain song if you play it a lot. Also science shows that the fetus likes its mom's voice the most.
  • week 40

    week 40
    During week forty the fetus is considered full term. The fetus gains about a pound a week. Also the hair is now much thicker and the fingernails grow much longer. The fetus is about seven pounds and twenty inches long. Boys tend to be bigger than girls. They are also probably very cramed in the uterus.