Day 1 Hour 1
Fertilization -
Day 1 Hour 1
Pronuclei Join Together -
Day 1 Hour 3
First Round of Clevage -
Day 1 Hour 9
Second Round of Clevage -
Day 1 Hour 15
3rd round of clevage -
Day 4
64 cell embryo called a blastocyst -
Day 7
Eptopic Pregnancy could occur -
Day 7
Implantation -
Day 12
disc with streak on the underside forms mesoderm -
Day 14
Neural Tube Forms -
Day 15
HCG begins to be secreted -
Day 23
Heart Begins to beat, arm & leg buds appear, yolk sac makes RBCs -
Day 25
muscles form, bent neck, webbed hands and feet, segmented back -
Day 25
Face Plates Forming -
Day 10
Morula Formed -
Day 28
Cleft Lip of palate may form -
Day 28
First Missed Period -
Day 32
fingers & toes separate, eyes & ears formed -
Day 50
genitalia begins to differentiate, eyelids fuse, amnion surrounds fetus -
Day 112
chorionic villi sampling could be performed -
Day 140
amniocentesis could be performed -
Day 182
eyes open, fat added under skin, head out of proportion to the body -
Day 280