Period: to
1st Trimester
It lasts for the first 3 months of pregnancy. -
An Egg Is Fertilized
If the egg of the woman reaches the sperm of a male, the egg will be fertilized and it will start to procreate. -
The Blastocyst Is Created
When a egg becomes fertilized, it turns into a clumped ball known as the blastocyst. (This ball is multiplying cells in a fast rate and is receiving oxygen and nutrients in your uterine wall.) -
The Embryo Is Created
In this stage, the embryo is created and thus, marks the beginning of the embryonic period. (From this period to 10 weeks, your baby's organ will be created and some of them may even be able to work as well.) To compare, the size of the embryo, in this very moment, is about the size of a poppy seed. -
The Embryo Grows w/ Neural Tube
At this rate, the embryo becomes the size of a sesame seed. One of its' layers is known as the ectoderm (which is also known as the Neural Tube) and holds what will soon become its' brain, nerves, spinal cord, and backbone. -
A Familiar Face Is Made
The ears, nose, and mouth all take shape into their respective qualities. In addition, the embryo has increased its' size into a lentil. -
The Hands and Feet Are Created
The embryo emerges with new hands and feet, which look less like the parts a normal human has but more like paddles and folds. On top of that, the size of the embryo has doubled and now looks like a blueberry. -
The Hands And Feet Are Webbed
The existing hands and feet become more developed, as they become webbed and show signs of detail. In addition, the upcoming baby is now formed into the size of a kidney bean. -
The Vital Organs Are Created
The vital organs (heart, muscles, nerves) are becoming close to their final forms, even though some adjustments may be necessary for the embryo in the upcoming months. Just so you know, the embryo is becoming the size of a grape. -
The Fetal Period Begins
This marks the beginning of the fetal period, in where the organs and tissues within the baby's body start to develop. -
Hardened Bones And Fists Appear
The fetus is now formed fists instead of webbed hands, and in addition, some of its' bones are becoming harder. Its' size has now increased into a fig. -
Reflexes And Expressions Appear
In this week, the baby is now showing signs of reflexes and expressions such as the opening and closing of fingers and the moving of his eyelids and mouth. In addition, it has now gotten as big as a lime. -
Fingerprints Appear
Fingerprints are now appearing on her fingers and has increased its size into a pea pod. -
Period: to
2nd Trimester
This lasts in the period of 4 to 7 months of a woman's pregnancy. -
The Facial Muscles Working
The fetus here is now able to frown, smile, and suck his thumb. It can even pee by using his kidneys and releasing it into its' amniotic fluid. It's the size of a lemon. -
It's Viewing Light
While its' eyelids are still shut tightly closed, it can now sense light. This means that it will move away if pointed with a flashlight. In addition, it has become the size of an apple. -
Growth Spurt And Toenails
A growth spurt will occur at this time, changing the size of the fetus into an avocado. On top of that, toenails will start to grow now. -
Skeleton Becomes Bone
The softer, cartilage-like skeleton will now turn slowly into bone in order to support the body. As a result, the umbilical cord will become thicker and stronger. Its' size will turn into a turnip by now. -
Their Gender Shown
While their biological sex will be created when they are involved in the beginning of pregnancy, their gender (aka genitals) can be observed (by the use of ultrasound) at this time. In addition, they will have gotten as big as a bell pepper. -
Increased Sensors
The fetus is now able to hear your voice now and has grown to about the size of a heirloom tomato. -
Swallowing And Digestion
It is now swallowing more frequently, and as a result, is producing meconium, a sticky, black by-product of digestion. It has become the size of a banana. -
Moving Feet
At this time, the fetus starts to kick and nudge in the womb and the size (and length) increases to a carrot. -
Miniature Newborn
It starts to look like a miniature newborn, and its' eyes have already formed. Normally by this time, it would be 11 inches and 1 pound, almost similar to a spaghetti squash. -
Sense Of Movement Developed
The fetus has now developed its sense of movement, allowing it to fill you move. It has also enlarged into a large mango. -
Steadily Growing
The fetus has grown 4 ounces since the previous week, and has grown to about the size of an ear of corn. -
Adding Finer Details
It will start to become fatter as it replaces its thin appearance for more body fat. In addition, it will start to grow more hair and get more smooth skin. The rutabaga will be its approximate size. -
More Developed Nerves
It is now able to recognize your voice and your partner due to more sensitive nerves in your ear. It has become the size of a scallion, with the length of 14 inches and the weight of 1 and 2/3 pounds. -
An Eye-Opening Stage
In this area, the fetus is able to open and close its eyes. Along with that, it also has its own sleep schedule. By this point, the size of the baby will become about the head of the cauliflower. -
Period: to
3rd Trimester
This final stage lasts for 7 to 10 months, in which afterwards, a normal baby will be born. -
Blinking Eyes Appear
It can now blind its eyes and be able to see light that is filtered in the womb. If you were to hold it, it would be as big as a large eggplant. -
Maturing Muscles
The fetus is now maturing its muscles and lungs to prepare for birth, and its head is becoming bigger for its developing brain. It is now the size of a butternut squash. -
Developing Eyesight
The baby is now developing its eyesight so it can see objects away from it. However, at this point, it's still making progress, as it only has a vision of 20/400 (while a normal person would have a vision of 20/20). It is now the size of a large cabbage. -
Another Growth Spurt
The fetus is now growing to about 16 inches long and weighs about three pounds. This size can be compared to a coconut. -
It's Getting Fatter
By this point (and the weeks afterwards), it will gain half a pound and change some of the weight into fat in order to survive outside the womb. As a result, it's now the size of a jicama. -
Losing That Alien Look
By now, its skin is becoming so smooth that it is losing that signature wrinkled, alien look for a more familiar body. Also, it is growing to the size of a pineapple. -
Maturing Organs
Its lungs and nerves are still continuing to mature and its skin (along with extra fat) is making it smoother and rounder. Due to the extra fat, it has increased its size into a cantaloupe, with about 4 to 5 pounds of weight. -
Finished Liver And Kidneys
Its liver are fully developed and their kidneys can filter some waste products. As such, their size has increased into a honeydew melon. -
Shedding Excess Hair
It is now shedding the excess hair that surrounded its body, as well as the vernix caseosa, which was the waxy liquid that covered its body. -
Maturing Lungs And Brain
For this week and the next, its presence inside the womb will allow it to fully mature its brain and lungs. As a result, it has now increased into a Swiss Chard (aka 6 pounds and 19 inches). -
Bigger And Bigger
The fetus is now getting bigger in order to increase its chances of survival outside of the womb and protect from both cold and heat. Due to this, the baby has now become the size of a leek. -
New Skin Appears
By this time, the baby is known to be in its full term and is continuing to grow fat in order to help controls its body temperature. In addition, it is also shedding off old skin in for some new, cleaner skin underneath. This makes the baby about the size of a mini-watermelon. -
Can It Get Bigger?
The baby has become the size of 7 and a half pounds, which makes it about the size of a pumpkin. -
Time For Labor Now
For safety concerns, if your baby hasn't gone into labor, then now is the perfect time. Any time afterwards can increase both the chance of injury and stillbirth.