Fetal Development - Hannah Stegall

  • Ovulation

    Process through which one of the female's ovaries usually releases a mature egg about once a month.
  • Conception

    Fertilization of a mature egg by a male sperm.
  • First Month

    First Month
    5-9 days the baby is implanted to the lining of the uterus.
    First signs of baby's heart, lungs, face, arms and legs.
    Digestive system is forming.
    Heart begins beating and pumping blood through arteries.
    Ears and eyes begin forming.
    Baby is 1/2-inch long and weighs less than an ounce. First Trimester
  • Second month

    Second month
    Organs and systems still develop.
    Liver and stomach start to work.
    Head makes up half of embryo.
    Arms and legs become longer and take shape.
    Fingers and toes develop.
    Eye's take color color and eyelids from but are sealed shut.
    Brain waves can be detected.
    Brain is beginning to control muscle movement. Site: old.hisbranches
    First trimester