The sperm has penetrated the ovary, fertilizing the egg. -
Fetal Development At 1 Month
The heart has now began beating which is about the size of a poppy seed. Also, the egg is attached to the lining of the uterus. -
Fetal Development At 2 Months
There is now a developed face, eyes, ears, distinct webbed fingers, veins, and limbs. The heart has spilt into the right and left ventricles. The zygote is now about 1/4 inch long. -
Fetal Development At 3 Months
The fetus is now fully formed with all its organs and muscles and has started kicking and swallowing. The fetus is now 1 inch long. -
Fetal Development At 4 Months
Lanugo, a thick downy hair is now covering the baby. The first kick can be felt by the mother. The baby is now 3 inches long. -
Fetal Development At 5 Months
Vernix caseosa, a protective layer, now forms on the baby's skin. The baby weighs about 5 ounces and is about 7 inches long. -
Fetal Development At 6 Months
The eyelids and eyebrows are now visible and the baby is now able to hear exterior sounds. Amniotic fluid now fills the lungs and the baby has began breathing motions. the baby is 8-12 ounces and 8-10 inches long. -
Fetal Development At 7 Months
Fingernails now cover the finger tips and the baby's body is well formed. The baby now weighs at least 1.5 pounds and is at least 16 inches long. -
Fetal Development At 8 Months
In preparation for birth, the baby has most likely turned head down. The baby is gaining layers of fat and is adding on about half a pound per week. The baby weighs about 2.5-3 pounds now. -
Fetal Development At 9 Months
As less space is offered for the baby to move, the mother will feel less movement from the baby. The baby is about 5-6 pounds and is about 17-18 inches long.