week -1
the fetes is developing
uselly womens dont know is they're actually pregnuant. -
Period: to
fetal development
the fetes is develoning -
week -2
The egg is wating to be fertilized and ready to pass the fallopean tube.
fact: your egg is 1/2000th of an inch. -
week -3
The furtilization occured creating zygote.
Fact: the babys genders can be determine -
week -4
this is the week when you find out your pregnaunt becaus eyou missed it. facts: has three organs developed the sizeis about a pinhead. -
week -5
this stage is where the embryo begains to develope. the placenta is starting to develope.
the sixe of the embryo is about 1/8th inch. -
week -6
the heart starts to begain to beat. the embryo also developed the major body organs. the heart is beating about 80x per minute each day. -
week -7
the embryo arms and legs start to form form -
week -8
the embryos body part and protion continue to develop and change quickly. the fingers and toes start to form. -
week -9
the embryo is now beganing to form cartilage, the skeleton start to become hard. at this point you can feell that embryos movement. -
week -10
embryo is now a fetus. The body muscle is now developing.the fetus is also moving around the womb. -
week -11
*This week you can see how the fingers of the hands and feet are now seperated
*Allso the fetus is now sticking out the tounge and swallowing
*The brain is also growing rapidly -
week -12
*By this time you can now hear the fetus heart
*Also the finger nails are starting to grow -
week -13
*At this point you may be feeling the fetus kicking you
*Also you can find out the sex of the fetus because the external genitalia is more defined. -
week -14
*You have the second trimester
*The hormones start to builb up
-In girls the olvaries start moving down towards the pelvis as for the boys the prostate start to develope -
week -15
*The fetus starts to build in bones and start to grow muscles -
week -16
*The baby can now breathe
*Eyebrows, and eyelashes are present, skin has down-like hair, gender can be determined -
week -17
*The fetus is practining sucking and swallowing as he gets ready for a breast or a bottle -
week -18
*The baby can now hear everything
*The skin is building a protective wax layer -
week -19
*By this week the genitals are now recognizable
*Hair is also growing -
week -20
*This week it marks the midpoint
*Their skin is now getting thicker
*Their heart can now be heard with a strthoscope -
week -21
*The baby is now gaining weight -
week -22
*By this week the baby is now forming the taste buds -
week -23
The baby goes up and down from the womb -
week -24
*The lungs are developing branches of the repiratory tree -
week -25
*Everything is still the same it's just developing more of what it has -
week -26
*The babys eyes begin to open around -
week -27
*Third trimester
*The babys brain continues to grow
*Their eyes can now blink -
week -28
*The baby can now recognize your voice as well as being awake and sleeping -
week -29
*The babys head is getting bigger
*The baby is developing their milk teeth under the gums -
week -30
*The baby controls its own body temperature
*Their wrinkled skin is becoming smoother now -
week -31
*The babys eyes have now completely opened and are responding to light and dark -
week -32
*During this time the baby sleeps during the day most of the time -
week -33
*The baby drinks the amniotic
*The babys fuzz and lanugo is disappearing -
week -34
*The baby continues to grow and it's about 18-inches long
*Their finger nails are now completely formed -
week -35
*The baby stores the fat in the legs and arms
*The babys reflexes are coordinated they turn their head, grasp firmly and respond to the sound -
week -36
*You may experience contractionsat this point
*Your baby may dropped into the birth canal -
week -37
*An elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when baby stretches -
week -38
*The baby is fully developed
*At this week the baby is about 20-inches and 7.5 pounds -
week -39
*Yuor almost there
*The baby has reached the final birth position -
week -40
*You have gave birth