Fetal Development

  • Month 1

    size- ant
    organs developing- sex, hair color
  • Month 2

    Heart and blood vessels are starting to form. Size of a finger nail.
  • Month 7

    baby is practicing breathing. 30 cm long. baby can get hicups
  • Month 3

    Heart is fully developed. 2.5 cm long
  • Month 4

    entering second trimester. baby is 7cm long. liver, kidneys, and digestion system are developing.
  • Month 5

    17 cm long. facial features are forming. fetus can grasp with hands.
  • Month 6

    eyebrows and eyelashes are growing. baby has hit one pound. baby can grab the umbilical cord.
  • Month 8

    baby can start to have dreams. baby is around 42 cm. languo that covers the babies body is disapearing.
  • Month 9

    all organs in the body are fully developed. baby weighs 7 pounds or more and is about 20 inches