Month 1 (Poppyseed)
The fertilized egg has a water-tight sac formed aournd itself. Slowly it fills with fluid. This sac is know as the amniotic sac. It acts as a cushion for the embryo while it grows. The slowly developing embryo developes a basic looking face with large dark circles in the place of eyes. Also, the mouth, jaw, and throat are developing. Along with these developments, blood cells start to grow and circulation begins. By the end of the first month the baby is about 1/4 inches long (poppyseed size). -
Period: to
Months in the Womb
Month 2 (Kidney Bean)
The embryo continues to develop more mature facial features. There begins to be the start of what will be and ear. Little buds grow and will eventually become legs and arms. Fingers, toes, and eyes are constantly developing. The nervous system and digestive system start to form. Bone starts replacing cartiladge. At 6 weeks a heartbeat can be detected. Embryo is 1/2 inch long (kidney bean size). -
Month 3 (Lime)
The baby has fully formed arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. Also, the baby is able to open and close it' s fists and mouth. External ears, fingernails/toenails are formed. Teeth are beginning to take shape. Reproductive organs develop. By the end this month the baby is fully formed, with all organs and extremeties present, They will continue to mature and become more functional. After this month the chance of miscarraige drops severally due to the most critical developments already done. -
Month 4 (Avacado)
A doppler can now pick up the baby's heartbeat and can be heard. Teeth and bones become denser. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, and nails are formed. The baby is also able to suck it's thumb, yan, stretch, and make faces. Nervous system is functioning. The genitals and reproductive organs are now fully developed. The doctor is able to see on an ultrasound the gender of the baby. -
Month 5 (banana)
The baby's muscels are developing and they begin to exercise them, that's when mother's feel them moving. Hair is beggining to grow. The baby's skin is covered with a white substance called vernix caseosa. This coating is shed before birth. It is used to protect the baby from long exposure to amiotic fluids. -
Month 6 (ear of corn)
The baby's veins are visible through the reddish-colored skin. Eyes srtat to open. Baby can respond to sound. Baby can hiccup. Baby has visible finger and toe prints. The baby could survive if born prematuraly after 23 weeks with itensive care. -
Month 7 (large eggplant)
The baby continues it's development of body fat reserves. The hearing is now fully developed. The baby can change position frequently and responds to stimuli, including pain, sound, and light. The amniotic fluid starts to diminish. If the baby were to be born prematurely it would most likely be able to survive. -
Month 8 (cantaloupe)
Body fat reserves continue to mature and develop. Babies tend to kick more. The brain develops rapidly during this time. The baby can see and hear now. Most of the internal systmes are developed. Lungs can still be immsture though. Usually the baby has flipped breech up by this month. Some babies don't flip until hours before birth, but that is highly unlikely. -
Month 9 (small pumpkin)
The baby continues to develop its lungs until they are fully mature. The baby's reflexes have become coordinated. The baby can now blink, close the eyes, grasp firmly, turn the head, and respond to touch, light, and sounds. The baby may move less due to the confining space. The baby changes positions for labor nad drops down into the pelvis region.