First Trimester Begins
This is the beginning of the pregnancy, you are not officially pregnant yet. Your body is getting ready to take care of not only you, but your baby as well. -
Week 2
The egg is attatching to the wall of your uterus. -
Week 3
You're finally pregnant! The sperm and the egg have joined together. Cells are duplicating and you are combining to decide babies hair/ eyes/ gender and maybe even personality. -
Week 5
You still wont recognize your baby, the fetus looks like a collection of tubes. One tube is developing the brain and spinal chord, and another the heart. -
Week 6
The baby's heart has started to beat! Human features have started to emerge. -
Week 7 & 8
You baby is forming every organ it will need, and you are starting to feel pregnant. The embryo is growing rapidly and is now fully considered a fetus. -
Week 9 & 10
The baby is growing, the tadpole- like tail is gone. The baby now has a profile and the webbing between hands and feet is gone. -
End of the first trimester (weeks 11, 12 & 13)
Your baby is active, and growing nails and irises. Reaching week 12 the risk of a miscarriage significaly drops. You have put on 2-5 pounds, people will start noticing the "baby bump". -
Begining of the Second Trimester
Baby is around 4 inches long, and becoming an individual. Fetus is developing fingerprints, and the body is covered in soft hairs. -
Week 15 & 16
Baby's skin is so thin you can see right through it, you might be able to see blood vessels. Also, you might potentially see facial expressions. You are in the "pregnancy glow" stage. -
Week 17 & 18
All the baby;s body systems are functioning, or nearly there. Your body is changing and gaining weight. You can begin feeling movement, and you can start talking to the baby because the ears are developed enough to hear. -
Week 19 & 20
The baby;s body is now covered with white waxy stuff called vernix caseosa to protect it from harmful fluids. The baby's hair is growing and so is yours. You can find out if you are having a boy or a girl. Halfway done with the pregnancy! -
Week 21 & 22
Tooth buds are coming in. Bone marrow is rapidly producing red blood cells to give your baby oxygen. Baby is almost 1 pound. The sex organs are starting to form. -
Week 23 & 24
Baby is developed enough to survive outside the womb. The lungs are starting to breath in and out amniotic fluid, and the brain is making connections to be able to think. Baby has reached viability. You can start to see streatch marks across abdomen. -
Week 25 & 26
The baby is growing bigger, and the heartbeat is becoming clearer. You may hear a hiccup as well. The eyes have opened for the first time since the lids have formed. -
Begining of the Third Trimester
The baby looks like it will when it comes out of the womb. It has a schedule between sleeping and awakeness. -
Week 28 & 29
The baby can blink, cough, and hiccup and maybe even dream. He or she is getting in position for childbirth. Baby is growing rapidly, and there is less room in the womb so you will feel the kicks and movements more intensely. The baby is becoming more aware of sight, sound, and touch. -
Week 30 & 31
The baby almost measures 3 pounds, and around 11 inches long. The mom's belly is growing to match it, your center of balance will change. You are getting ready for labor, and you may have mini contractions. The baby's lungs are still developing. -
Week 32 & 33
The baby is making final preperations for his or her arrival. There is not much room in the uterus, but the baby will still manage to wiggle around! The bones begin to harden except for the skull that will compress to fit through the birth canal. -
Week 34 & 35
Most of the baby's organs are fully functioning and working properly. Also, the baby is head down and ready for delivery, and you might be able to see an elbow sticking out. For the last few weeks the baby will put on around a 1/2 a pound a week to get readt for delivery. -
Week 36 & 37
The baby is around 6 pounds, and you are considered full-term. The waxy, white substance that once covered the baby is now gone. The baby is just about full size and the head is moving into position in your pelvis to get ready for labor, which could be in a few weeks, or any day. -
Week 38, 39, & 40
The baby's growth is slowing, and all the organs are fully developed. The brain has started to control the functions of the body, and reflexes are also active. You will still be able to feel contractions as you get ready for labor.