In this stage, one egg and one sperm unite at conception. This is called fertilization. The fertilized egg is called a a zygote and it divides into approximately 12 to 16 cells on its journey through the fallopian tube to the uterus. -
Month 1
During month 1 the baby is referred to as a zygote and is no larger than a single grain of sand (about 0.1 - 0.2 mm in diameter). Implantation begins to happen. Implantation occurs when the zygote nestles in the wall of the uterus and begins to get nutrition. Between weeks three and four the baby's developing heart begins to beat. Arm and leg buds start to develop. Facial structures such as eyes vaguely begin to take form. -
Month 2
The zygote is now called a fetus. The fetus now is one inch long and weighs no more than one whole peanut. The fetuses heart stands out from the body and blood circulation is working well. Early signs of the liver, pancreas, lungs and stomach can be detected. Genitals are present, but you can't tell the gender yet. All organs are present, but some need more time to develop. The irises of the eyes develop and fingernails are visible. At this time, the fetus also has taste buds developed. -
Month 3
The fetus now weighs about one ounce. During this month, the baby becomes very active. The mother can't feel the movements yet, but the baby rarely stops moving for more than five minutes at a time. There are many new developments such as: can smile, make funny faces, can practice their breathing even though it is surrounded by the amniotic fluid, all 20 teeth are forming. -
Month 4
The baby has significantly grow to a height of eight inches. At this point the mother can now feel the baby's movements. The baby's fingernails and the placenta have now fully developed and been established. Another new development is the baby can now empty its bladder every 40-45 minutes. Now that the baby is developing so quickly, it is crucial that the umbilical cord is established at this point. The cord is attached to the placenta to deliver nutrients to the baby. -
Month 5
The baby's weight will increase by the end of moth five to about 15 ounces. By now hearing is very defined and the baby keeps up its activeness by swimming around in the amniotic fluid. The baby starts to prepare for birth in a few months by shifting slightly into a head-downward position. A new development in this stage is lanugo which is fine hair that can make up the baby's eyebrows. -
Month 6
In month 6 the baby gains about another pound. The baby is now able to have more hand coordination, move the thumb in a different direction than its fingers, and open its eyes. Now that the baby's eyes are open, it starts to learn to distinguish darkness from lightness. At this point, the baby now is fully in a head-downward position prepping for birth. -
Month 7
The baby's weight is now up to about two to four pounds. Due to too much time floating in the amniotic fluid, the baby's skin is now very wrinkled. As for new developments, the baby is developing eyelashes, fat, and male testes. Another development is the regulation of temperature. The baby's temperature will always be hotter than the mother’s. During this month, Braxton Hicks Contractions occur. They are a sign that your body is getting ready for labor. They are completely harmless to the baby. -
Month 8
The baby's weight is now up to around 4-6 pounds. The baby's body is now producing surfactant which is a chemical that helps baby breathe on their own after birth. For development, the baby now can differentiation between things. The baby learns four behavioral states: sleep, awake, actively awake and crying. The baby also learns the difference between sleeping and waking. -
Month 9
The baby is now at a healthy weight of about 7 pounds. All organ systems are completing development for birth. To prep for the real world, the mother’s antibodies go through the placenta to give the baby immunity from illnesses. The baby will continue to receive antibodies through the mother's breast milk. The average baby weight will be about 7.5 pounds and 20 inches long.