
Fetal Development

  • Week 1

    Week 1
    Your not officially pregnant yet, your body is busy getting ready for when you are. Your uterus is thickening so it can house and feed your fertilized egg once it implants. Take good care of yourself during this time.
  • Week 2

    This is right after your period and your ovulating! If a sperm makes it through the Fallopian tube your going to conceive. A couple days later you will notice some spotting letting you know the egg has attached itself to the wall of your uterus.
  • Week 3

    Your finally pregnant. The sperm and egg have merged into a zygote(single cell). You and your partners chromosomes are now combining figuring out your baby's gender, hair color, eye color, etc. As it speeds down the Fallopian tubes toward the uterus it will keep dividing. The cells will eventually create every organ in your baby's body.
  • Week 4

    Your amniotic sac is now forming. It will surround and protect your baby while it grows. Attached to that is the yolk sac, which will feed your baby in its early weeks. Your baby is smaller than a grain of rice.
  • Week 5

    Your baby now looks like a collection of tubes and may still not be noticeable. One tube is forming a brain and spinal cord, another is forming a baby's heart. Tiny buds on either side of the body will grow into arms and legs. As the baby keeps growing you may feel the first symptoms of pregnancy, such as sore breasts, morning sickness, and constant urge to urinate.
  • Week 6

    Baby's heart has started to beat now. It's body is now half of an inch long. Eyes are starting to form along with eye lids. The lungs and digestive system also are starting to develop, forming the organs that will help your baby breathe and eat in just a few months.
  • Week 7

    Your baby's body is already forming every organ it will need including the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, and intestines. Buds are sprouting to form arms and legs. The baby is attached to you through an umbilical cord, which you feed and and filter away your baby's waste until you deliver.