Fetal Development

  • Month 1

    In the first month of pregnancy, the embryo is about 1/4th of an inch long. The placenta is forming and the neural tube is beginning to close while supporting the growth of the brain and spinal cord. The intestinal tract is also forming
  • Month 2

    The embryo is about 1/2 an inch long and is beginning to form eyes, ears, and tiny nubs that will become arms and legs. All internal organs are forming and embryo can move, even though the mother can't feel it.
  • Month 3

    The embryo is now a fetus and is about 3.5 inches long. The face, fingers, and toes are now fully formed and the baby can practice executing various facial expressions. The reproductive organs are forming and the child can hiccup. The buds for baby teeth are appearing.
  • Month 4

    The baby is now 6 inches long. Their nervous system is beginning to function, their teeth are growing denser, and their eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed. Male prostate glands begin to form for males, while ovaries move from the abdomen to the pelvic area. The sex of the baby can be told by a Doppler, and the child can suck their thumb, yawn, and stretch.
  • Month 5

    The baby is about 10 inches long.There is hair growing on the baby's head, and the mother will begin to feel her child move while he/she practices using their muscles. Lanugo, a fine hair that protects the child, and vernix caseosa, a greasy substance, both cover the body of the child. A uterus forms in a female child at this time.
  • Month 6

    The baby is 12 inches long and veins are visible through their skin. Premature babies may survive if born at this time and looked after with special care. The child can open their eyes and respond to sounds.
  • Month 7

    The baby is 14 inches long and is beginning to bulk up. Their hearing is fully developed and can respond to stimuli almost as well as a fully developed baby. There are many tastebuds developing on the tongue of the child
  • Month 8

    The baby is 18 inches long and is probably losing it's lanugo. Their brain is developing rapidly and the child is probably beginning to kick more. The lungs are still slightly underdeveloped but most internal systems are completely done growing. The baby is beginning to be positioned above the cervix, as it is fairly common for kids to be born during the 8th month.
  • Month 9

    The baby is 18-20 inches and their reflexes are fully formed. They respond to stimuli and can move their head, grasp their hands, and blink. The skin is no longer wrinkled and the baby is preparing itself for delivery.