Week 4
At four weeks the baby is now called a Embryo. It consist of two layers of cells called the epiblast and the hypoblast. They will eventually develop into all of the baby's organs and body parts. There are also two sacs that are forming. They are called the amnion and yolk sac. The amnioc sac is filled with amniotic fluid. It will suround and protect the growing embryo. The yolk sac will produce blood and nurishment to the baby until the placenta can take over. -
Week 8
At week 8 the baby is now beginning to form his or her body parts and are able to move some different parts. The fingers and toes are starting to form. The arms are able to flex at the elbows and wrist.The eyes are becoming more visible because the pigment(color) is starting to develop in the back of the retina(back of the eye). The intestines are now staring to get longer and there isnt enough room in the abdomen so the grow into the umbilical cord until week 12. -
Week 15
At week 15 the baby's skin is now starting to develop rapidly.It is so thin and translucent that you can see the blood vessles right through it. The hair on the baby's head and eyebrows continue to grow. The ears are almost in postion but are still a little to low on the head. The baby's skeletal system continues to develop. The baby starts to make movement with his/her arms,legs,mouth,feet,etc. -
Week 20
At week 20 the baby is halfway ready to be born. The baby has grown pretty big at this point and is now starting to put pressure on his/her mother's bladder,lungs,stomach,and kidneys. The baby's skin continues to grow and starts to develop layers.The hair and nail growth continue. -
Week 25
At week 25 the baby is starting to have certain resting and movement periods. The mother will start to notice move movement when they are sedentary(not moving or active). The baby is also staring to develop more hearing ability and may be able to hear the mothers voice. -
Week 30
At week 30 th baby starts to gain weight and layers of fat.The fat thatis gained prevents the baby from looking wrinkly and helps keep he/she warm at birth. The baby also starts mimicing breathing patterns. The baby can alo get the hiccups and the mother might be able to feel the rhythmic jumps in her uterus. -
Week 35
At week 35 the baby's weight starts to grow very rapidly. THe weight spreads all throughout the baby's body espesially aroung the shoulders. In conclusion to the baby growing so quickly the baby is resticted to movement. The baby's movement may begin to decrease. While the movement decreases the streghth increases and the baby is more forceful. -
Week 40
At week 40 the time has come. The baby is fully grown and is ready tocome out,some of the time.5% of women deliever on their expecte due date. Other women wait 2 weeks after the due date for their baby to come. Once the baby does arrive its skin migh be discolored they mighthave dry patches or even a rash but these are completly normal. The baby will also have much liquid in there body but the doctors will get it out in no time.