week 5
The amniotic fluid is being built up.
The embryo grows from a tiny speck about 2mm - the size of a pin head.
By the end of the week the embryo will have more than doubled in size to about 4-5mm.
The egg has now completely grown into the mucous membrane of the uterus which covers the egg, the umbilical sac and the amniotic fluid cavity.
A fibrin clot closes the hole to the uterus cavity.
The placenta is developing.
The embryo starts receiving oxygen and nutrition through the placenta. -
week 9
The baby measures about 2.3cm in lenght and weighs less than 2 grams. Eyelids are now completly covering the eyes, but are fused and wont open until week 26. Tiny earholes are now visible. Genitals have formed. Placenta has developed enough to support most of the important job of producing harmones. -
week 12
The fetus is now about 2.5 inches (6cm) length and weighs about 0.7 ounce (20 g).
The feet are almost half an inch (1cm) long.
The fetus starts moving spontaneously.
The face is beginning to look like a baby's face.
The pancreas is functioning and producing insulin.
Fingernails and toenails appear.
The baby can suck his thumb, and get hiccups. -
week 18
Baby is about 12cm long from crown to rump and weighs about 190grams. Chest moves up and down to mimic breathing. Blood vessels are visible through the babys own skin. Ears are in their final position, although they're still standing out from the head a bit. -
week 21
Length is now measured crown to heel.
The fetus has grown to 10.5 inches (27 cm) - 12.7 ounces (360 grams).
It is now gaining weight steadily, with fat being added to the body.
Bone marrow has started making blood cells.
Their small intestine is starting to absorb sugars. -
week 24
Starting to fill the space in the uterus. weighs more than 600grams. Measures 30cm from crown to heel. Body is now well proportioned. Brain is now growing rapidly. Taste buds have fully developed. Footprints and fingerprints are continuing to form. Inside the body, lungs are developing branches of respiratory tree as well as celb that produce surfant. This substance helps air sacs inflate once the baby reaches the outside world. -
week 27
The fetus weighs almost 2 pounds now and is about 14.5 inches long.
Baby now weighs about 875 grams and is 36.5 cm in length.
The head is over 2.5 inches (7cm) in diameter.
Your baby's hearing continues to develop.
The eyes can blink, open and close. -
week 31
Baby weighs about 1.5kg and looks more lake a new born. Measures about 41cmfrom crown to toe. Arms legs and body continue to fill out. they are finally proportional in size for the head. -
week 34
Your baby now is approximately 18 inches long and weighs about 5.25 pounds.
Baby is now 46cm crown to heel and the weight is 2400 grams.
Your child has now an excellent chance of survival outside the womb.
Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week.
Eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping.
The fingernails are now completely formed. -
week 37
Baby weighs close to 2.8kg and about 48.6cm long from head to toe. Head cradled in pelvic cavity. Surrounded and protected by pelvic bones. Full head of hair, with locks up to 3.5cm long. Downy coat of lanugo that covered the baby from week 26 has disappeared. Also, so has the vernix caseosa, the protective whitish substance that also covered the baby -
week 40
You have now reached the time of delivery.
All systems are developed and ready to go.
Now it is just a matter of time.
Baby is about 20 inches (51cm) and weighs approximately 7.5 pounds (3.5 kg).
The head has a diameter of about 4 inches (10 cm).
The contractions could begin at any moment.