Fertilization (Zygote)
Fertilization occurs and the first cell is made. It is called a zygote. It begins it’s 6 day journey to the uterus. http://classes.biology.ucsd.edu/old.web.classes/bimm110.SP04/fertilization2.jpg -
Period: to
Trimester 1
This is the first part of the trimester of pregnancy. -
Implantation (Embryo)
The fertilized egg starts implantation and is now called and embryo.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Tubal_Pregnancy_with_embryo.jpg -
The heart is formed and begins to beat by itself. The baby may have different blood than the mother now. -
The backbone of the baby is formed and intestines begin to form. Sometimes the shapes of the intestines can be seen. -
By the end of the week the child is 10,000 times larger than the egg. -
Limbs and Eyes
Eyes, legs and hands begin to develop.
https://www.google.com.mx/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=JbNYmsP76UlWmM&tbnid=pbIJ1R1zDLi8rM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whattoexpect.com%2Fpregnancy%2Fyour-baby%2Fweek-7%2Fglimpse-of-toes.aspx&ei=pJ0zUYeTKoOr2QWovICIBA&bvm=bv.43148975,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNFT6li0sWWkUmTguSUTN5vTEve91w&ust=1362423581069576 -
Brain waves can now be recognized. Therefore there is activity in the body. Small nails are forming and lips and mouth is recognizable. -
Moving and Eyelids
Eyelids and toes form. The nose is now recognizable. The baby is now moving. -
Fingerprints, organs, bones, hearing
All organs are formed, cartilage is replaced by now forming bones. Fingerprints are formed and the baby is now able to hear. -
Fingernails, teeth, hiccups and frowning
Fingernails finish developing. Teeth begin to form. Baby can turn his head and frown. Hiccups can now occur. -
Baby can now “breathe” through the amniotic fluid that is surrounding him and the baby can also urinate. -
Organs work, baby can grab, nerves, circulatory system
All organs are functionable and the baby can grasp objects in it’s new hand. Baby has skeletal structure, nerves and circulatory system. -
Feeling pain, vocal cords, fetus
Baby has all the parts needed to feel anything including pain. has spinal cord, nerves and thalamus. Vocal cords are available and the baby can suck its thumb. By the end of this week the baby is now considered a fetus. It is the end of the first trimester.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Human_fetus_10_weeks_-_therapeutic_abortion.jpg -
The embryo has now transformed enough to be known as a fetus. -
Period: to
Trimester 2
The baby's kidneys are producing urine, and he releases it into the amniotic fluid. He can make facial expressions and may have discovered thumb-sucking.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Fetal_kidney_perfusion_and_fetal_breathing_activity.ogv/800px--Fetal_kidney_perfusion_and_fetal_breathing_activity.ogv.jpg -
See light
The baby can see light that filters in from outside the womb, even though her eyelids are still shut. -
Your baby's sex may be detectable at your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, which typically happens between 16 and 20 weeks.
http://www.eyeondna.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/girlultrasound.jpg -
If you haven't felt your baby move yet, you probably will in the next few weeks. It'll take a couple of weeks longer for your partner and other people to feel your baby's movements from the outside.
http://images1.dailykos.com/i/user/191280/pregnantheadphonetransparent.png -
The baby can hear your heartbeat and sounds that come from outside your body, such as your partner's voice. Your baby might even be startled by a loud noise.
http://images1.dailykos.com/i/user/191280/pregnantheadphonetransparent.png -
Baby responds to Voice
Twenty-five weeks into your pregnancy, or 23 weeks after conception, your baby's hands and startle reflex are developing. Your baby might be able to respond to familiar sounds, such as your voice, with movement. -
Fingernails Develop
Twenty-six weeks into your pregnancy, or 24 weeks after conception, your baby has fingernails.
Your baby's lungs are beginning to produce surfactant, the substance that allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate — and keeps them from collapsing and sticking together when they deflate.
By now your baby might be 9 inches (230 millimeters) long from crown to rump and weigh nearly 2 pounds (820 grams). -
Moving and hearing
Baby's sense of movement has developed, so he can feel the motion if you dance. His sense of hearing continues to improve. You may sometimes be able to see him squirming under the surface of your belly. -
Hair Grows
Twenty-four weeks into your pregnancy, or 22 weeks after conception, your baby is regularly sleeping and waking. Real hair is growing on his or her head.
By now your baby might be about 8 inches (210 millimeters) long from crown to rump and weigh more than 1 1/3 pounds (630 grams). -
Period: to
Trimester 3
Continue Growing, brain continues to develop
The third trimester is just starting. The fetus weighs around 1,000 grams and measures close to 25cm. You can now know if your baby will come headfirst or feet- or bottom-first. Your baby still has 2 months to change position most babies will switch positions on their own. The folds and grooves of the fetus’s brain continue to grow and develop and it adds layers of fat and hair grows.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4EEkOAW1Fuc/T4POcqF7rAI/AAAAAAAAAFA/Mal1zV8t4jQ/s1600/develop.jpg -
Moving more
The fetus will probably give the first flutters of movement or even hard jabs and punches that might leave you breathless. If you think it doesn’t move, count, it should move at least 10 times in two hours. -
It now weighs about 1,400 grams and as grown around 2cm since week 28. It will continue gaining weight which will help them be less wrinkly and it’ll provide warmth for them after they are born. -
Urinating more
Your fetus now urinates, more than a few cups per day. The urine goes into the amniotic fluid. It also swallows the amniotic fluid, and if it doesn’t that can lead to a problem in the kidneys or urinary tract. -
Eyelashes grow
Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are now visible. Lanugo hair from the second trimester is now falling off. It now weighs about 1,800 grams and is 29cm long. If you were to deliver now there is a great chance of survival. -
Developing neurons
There are now billions of developed neurons in the fetus. It can feel, listen and even see a little. It can detect light and pupils adjust. It sleeps most of the time just like a newborn baby. Its lungs have completely matured now and fat will continue to increase. -
Bones harden
Consuming calcium is important in pregnancy because the fetus will need to harden its bones. The babies skin is becoming thicker and lanugo hair is almost all gone. The fetus is probably in delivery position already. It is now around 2,250 grams and 32 cm. -
Gaining more weight
The fetus weighs about 2.4 km and the fetus is now gaining weight very quickly. The baby is now gaining weight very quickly. -
Considered full-term
The fetus is now considered full-term although it’ll keep growing. It is still gaining weight quickly. It now has enough coordination to use its fingers. -
Umbilical cords carry nutrients from the placenta to the fetus and it has for a long time. Its average size is about 55 cm. Your body has helped the fetus receives nutrients to the immune system. This will help the baby fight infections for the first few months of life. -
Baby is born
Your baby is finally here! It will weigh around 3.3 kg and measure close to 50 cm. It may be born covered in blood and vernix. Its skin may be discolored, dry or have rashes but this is normal.