Beggining of Fermilab
Fermilab was founded in 1967 near Batavia, Illinois, and has a rich and varied history.
http://www.fnal.gov/pub/about/ Photo from http://www.fnal.gov/pub/about/images/History.jpg -
Special Earth-Moving Demonstration of The Wilson Years
This program was funded by the U. S. Department of Labor and the "classroom" was the grounds of the Argonne National Laboratory site. Staff members of The National Accelerator Laboratory and DUSAF, the joint venture serving as architects-engineers for the National Accelerator Laboratory, also cooperated in recruitment, planning and execution of the program. Fermilab History and Archives Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://history.fnal.gov/groundbreaking.html#earth -
Invintation to National Accelerator Laboratory
We, at the National Accelerator Laboratory, cordially invite you to attend the Ground Breaking for the First Permanent Building of the National Accelerator Laboratory to house the 200 MeV Linear Accelerator for the 200 BeV Accelerator Facility on Sunday, December 1, 1968, at 2:00 p.m.
Robert Rathbun Wilson Fermilab History and Archives Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://history.fnal.gov/groundbreaking.html#invite -
Accelerator History - Linac
The preaccelerator includes an ion source to produce the protons, and an accelerating column to give the protons a speed of four percent of the speed of light and a kinetic energy of 750,000 electron volts. The interior of the column under vacuum, one foot in length, withstands a voltage of 750,000 volts across it and operates in principle like the accelerating portion of an electron gun in a television picture tube.
http://history.fnal.gov/linac.html -
Dedication of the Laboratory in The Wilson Years
The plan to change the name of the Laboratory was announced on April 29, 1969 by Glenn T. Seaborg, then chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, It was understood then that the dedication and the changing of the name would take place when construction was complete. In 1974 of May the Laboratory will be almost completed.
http://history.fnal.gov/dedication.html -
Art in The Wilson Years 1967-78 Soviet Sculpture Arrives at Fermilab
During a visit to the Soviet Union last fall, Dr. Robert Wilson was invited to a special ceremony at the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, Prof. G. N. Skryabin presented an abstract sculpture of Albert Einstein to him, a gift from his Soviet colleagues. Prof. Skryabin told Dr. Wilson,
http://history.fnal.gov/art_architecture.html -
Accelerator History - Energy Doubler Reaches New Milestone
A major milestone in the development of the Fermilab Energy Doubler was reached at noon on Friday, April 8, 1977. A string of four superconducting magnets was energized for the first time and reached 4,300 amperes, the equivalent of 1,020 BeV beam energy in the eventual Doubler plan. The test demonstrated that these magnets, specially-developed for the Energy Doubler,
http://history.fnal.gov/transition.html -
Robert Rathbun Wilson Hall
Robert Rathbun Wilson Hall, the central laboratory building for Fermilab, is the heart of the 6,800 acre site. Following an architectural design competition among the DUSAF firms, it was built between 1971 and 1974. The design was acknowledged in 1975 with an award from the Society of American Registered Architects. The building was named for Wilson on September 18, 1980.
http://history.fnal.gov/highrise.html -
The Lederman Years, 1979 - 1989 - The Tevatron
Its proton beam originates in the Cockcroft-Walton pre-accelerator from which it proceeds through the Linac (linear accelerator) to the Booster Ring. The beam's energy increases with each revolution and the beam is injected into the underground oval Main Injector where the energy is again raised higher and higher until it reaches 120 GeV (billion or giga electron volts). http://www.fnal.gov/pub/tevatron/milestones/interactive-timeline.html