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Feminist Movement

  • Womens Sufferage Movement

    Womens Sufferage Movement
    5,000 to 8,000 women suffragists marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the White House. There purpose was to bring attention to the campaign of women having the right to vote. This was definitaly not as peaceful as it should have been, but the protesors did get the point across of what they were fighting for.
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    Feminist Movement ( Women's Liberation Movement)

    The 1900's is when feminism started to broaden and become more popular among people of this time. People were starting to realize that men and women were not equal in soceity. Sterotypical views on how women were apart of soceity, or what role they played in soceity also changed along with equality.
  • What Were They Fighting For?

    What Were They Fighting For?
    Women began a more loud, and involved fight to gain a more important/involved role in soceity. These women beleived that political inequality was just as important as sexuality. The movement had originally focused on striking against the workplace inequality. Striking for such as better jobs, pay inequality, and anti-descrimination laws
  • Events also happening during this time 2

    Events also happening during this time 2
    The common known novel " To Kill a Mocking Bird" was was published. It won a Putilizer Prize in the next year after it was written, but the book wa such a huge success. After the book was also turned into a award winning film.
  • Betty Freidan (Key People)

    Betty Freidan (Key People)
    She helped advance the women's rights movement in her time, as one of the founders of the National Organization for Women.
  • Events also happening during this time 1

    Events also happening during this time 1
    During this time of women fighting for equality we also landed a man on the moon. This was such a huge step for space exploration, and that was the farthest we had put a man into space so far. To this day this event was such a huge step for NASA in space exploration
  • Radical Women's Movement (Key Event)

    Radical Women's Movement (Key Event)
    Women were Protesting stereotypical notions of femininity and rejecting traditional gender expectations, the group demonstrated at the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to bring attention to the contest’s and society’s exploitation of women.
  • Gloria Steinhem (Key People)

    Gloria Steinhem (Key People)
    Gloria was a journalist who helped women be put more into the media. In 1969 she helped found the New Yoke Times, on which she reported on the women's movements. She had spoken out in the magizine about legalizing women's rights to abortion. Later in the 1970's women started protesting against " The Ladies Home Journal" that is only showed women as working in the home or only having the "mother role" in soceity. Gloria Inspired a new generation of feminists with her involvment in media.
  • Germiane Greer ( Key People)

    Germiane Greer ( Key People)
    Also like Gloria Stienhem, Greer was also a feminist writer. Along with writing, she was also an actress in TV, and gave lectures at the University of Cambrige. A difference between her and Stienhem is that she focused on womens sexuality more. Greer's book " The Female Eunch" said how male-dominated world affects a womens sense of self. At this time, this informaton was controversial, but Gloria felt like it was a important topic to be talked about during this time.
  • Ladies Home Journal Sit In ( Key Event)

    Ladies Home Journal Sit In ( Key Event)
    A group of activists decided to stage a sit in. On March 18, 1970, approximately 100 women stormed the magazine's office, refusing to leave for 11 hours. They were fed up how the magazine protrayed women, and they wanted to see a change.
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    Results of the Feminist Movement

    The employment of women and the amount of women in political, or office careers had increased. Women now make up the majority of college students, and bachelor degree earners. Concluding, a thrid of medical students are also women