FEMA history MAP

  • Beginning of FEMA

    Beginning of FEMA
    President Carter merged more than 100 different aid programs to form what we now know as FEMA. He did this to better help the US with disaster response.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    President Reagan allows FEMA to become involved in case of a nuclear attack on the US. He also gave them martial law which allows the military to step in when the civilians could not handle it.
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Hurricane Andrew
    A category 5 hurricane hit Florida south of Miami and left about 250,000 people without shelter, food, or water. FEMA has been criticized for not responding quick enough. It took them 5 days.
  • New FEMA Director

    New FEMA Director
    Bill Clinton decided to appoint James Lee Witt as the new director of FEMA. He is the first director with experience in emergency management.
  • Witt leaves FEMA

    Witt leaves FEMA
    After George W. Bush took office Witt leaves the position of FEMA director. George Bush decides to hire Joe Allbaugh. Joe Allbaugh decideds to cut down FEMA to help deal with budget cuts. Joe says that the most likely disasters of hitting USA is an earthquake in California, a hurricane in New Orleans, and a terrorist attack in New York.
  • FEMA joins homeland security

    FEMA joins homeland security
    Soon after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 President Bush has FEMA partner up with the department of homeland security to make sure that everyone was trained in what to do when weapons of mass destruction are involved.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    FEMA was looked down upon once again after not having good enough resources to help out the victims of the disaster. Over 1,000 people ended up losing their lifes from the hurricane.