Period: 1553 to
Duke of Lerma
Francisco de Sandoval y Rojas was born in Tordesillas and was educated at the court of Felipe II. His maternal grandfather was Francisco de Borja and he belonged to a family with a tradition in the position of Adelantado de Castilla since 1412. -
Period: 1568 to
The 80 years war
Apr 14, 1578
Felipe's III birth
The next king of Spain and Portugal is born, he was king from September 13, 1598 until his death. image link: https://www.nuevatribuna.es/media/nuevatribuna/images/2015/12/24//2015122417491490287.jpg -
Marriage of Felipe III
In 1598 he married the Archduchess Margarita de Austria-Estiria, daughter of Archduke Carlos II of Styria and María Ana de Baviera, in the Cathedral of Santa María de Valencia. image link: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o-b7IratLy0/WuXJr91U8pI/AAAAAAAAPQo/XPEyo8ZmR8IPCYq5cWiE4PKBAv0ll93pwCLcBGAs/s1600/Margarita%2Bde%2BAustria-Estiria-3.jpg -
Period: to
Felipe's III reign
The trade of the Duke of Lerma
He was the most powerful man in the reign of Felipe III. He became immensely wealthy at the cost of knowing how to handle influence peddling, corruption and the sale of public office (since 1599) image link: https://elcultural.com/wp-content/uploads/imgBD/20020905/letras/img/5337_1.jpg -
Creation of the Duchy of Lerma
The Duchy of Lerma was created by Felipe III, and was granted to the Marquis of Denia. image link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/COA_Duke_of_Lerma.svg/1200px-COA_Duke_of_Lerma.svg.png -
The Peace of London is signed
The Treaty of London of 1604 was a peace treaty, signed by Spain and England in the city of London on August 28, 1604 that marked the end of the Anglo-Spanish War of 1585-1604. image link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/The_Somerset_House_Conference_19_August_1604.jpg -
Don Quixote publication
On this date the book of Don Quixote was published. image link: http://www.dream-alcala.com//wp-content/uploads/2017/01/quijote_portada.jpg -
Expulsion of the Moors
They are expelled because of their unconvinced Christian attitude, and a possible alliance with the Turks and the barbers. image link: https://static3.abc.es/Media/201412/02/expulsion-moriscos-museo--644x362.JPG -
Period: to
The truce of the Netherlands
In 1609 the Twelve Years Truce with the Netherlands was signed. In 1618 at the beginning of the Thirty Years War the truce was broken. -
Moulay Ech Cheikh sells territory to Philip III
In 1610 he sold the city of Larache to Felipe.
image link: https://www.diariodealmeria.es/2017/09/12/opinion/tribuna/Conocer-historia-entender-presente_1171993185_105398344_1200x675.jpg -
Second part of Don Quixote
The second part of this book is published. image link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Segunda_parte_del_ingenioso_caballero_don_Quijote_de_la_Mancha.jpg -
Duke of Uceda
The Duke of Lerma was replaced by the Duke of Uceda. image link: http://www.sandovaldelareina.com/images/apellido/duque-de-Uceda/cristobal-de-sandoval-y-rojas-biblioteca-nacional.jpg -
Period: to
The Thirty Years' War
The Thirty Years' War began as a conflict of religion between Catholics and Protestants, but it ended up turned into a world confrontation where the sides were conformed by political interests and not only by creed, since Catholic France allied with Lutheran Sweden against the powers as well. -
Felipe's III death
Felipe III died on March 31, 1621 in Madrid from fever and erysipelas. image link: https://www.telemadrid.es/2016/06/03/programas/el-punto-sobre-la-historia/muerte-protocolo-pocas-Felipe-III_1799240109_5338031_1300x731.jpg