Federalism 4.2

By 17jchoi
  • John Marshall & McCulloch v. Maryland

    John Marshall & McCulloch v. Maryland
    The bank dispute case, McCulloch v. Maryland, was under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall. Marshall was a judge with strong nationalist beliefs.
  • Doctrine of Nullification, Doctrine of Secession

    Doctrine of Nullification, Doctrine of Secession
    Doctrine of Nullification: Politicians in some Southern states believed that state have the rights to cancel national laws the clashed with their state interests. Doctrine of Secession: This would be the right that states have to secede from the Union or withdrawal from it.
  • Reconstruction amendments

    Reconstruction amendments
    The amendments were important in implementing the Reconstruction of the American South after the war.
  • Interstate commerce act

    Interstate commerce act
    A United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices.
  • Sherman antitrust act

    Sherman antitrust act
    Prohibits certain business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anticompetitive, and requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of being in violation.
  • United States v. E.C. Knight Company

    United States v. E.C. Knight Company
    United States Supreme Court case that limited the government's power to control monopolies.
  • Dual Federalism & John Marshall

    Dual Federalism & John Marshall
    Dual federalism is the idea that the national and state governments have power in their own regions. During this time Supreme chief justice, John Marshall helped increase the poer of the national government.
  • Cooperative Federalism

    Cooperative Federalism
    The belief that all levels of government (state and national) should work together to solve problems.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Introduced programs that responded to the Great Depression. That is Relief for the unemployed and poor, helped the recovery of the economy to normal levels and helped Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.
  • Creative Federalism

    Creative Federalism
    Lynden Johnson expanded the powers of the national government and called his approach to solving national problems creative federalism
  • New Federalsim & Ronald Reagan

    New Federalsim & Ronald Reagan
    Many political leaders returned power to states. During Reagan Years, president Ronald Reagan supported giving back power to the states.
  • Contract of America

    Contract of America
    Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years.
  • Devolution

    Devolution is the idea of returning power to the states.