FDR New Deal

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    FDR New Deal

    FDR new deal and second deal
  • Bank Holiday

    President Roosevelt declares a bank holiday. The holiday closes the nation’s banks for several days in an effort to curb the number of bank runs and bank failures.
  • Emergency Banking Release Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Emergency Banking Relief Act into law. The law aims to shore up the nation’s troubled banking – for example, by examining the financial health of individual banks.
  • Fireside Chat Radio

    In the first of many “Fireside Chat” radio broadcasts, President Roosevelt tells the American people, “Your Government does not intend that the history of the past few years shall be repeated. We do not want and will not have another epidemic of bank failures.”
  • Beer-Wine Revenue Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Beer-Wine Revenue Act, a law that helps pave the way towards the repeal of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is created by the Emergency Conservation Work Act, putting unemployed young men to work in the nation’s forests and parks. The CCC ultimately employs about three million men in conservation work (e.g., planting trees, reducing erosion, and fighting fires).
  • The Securities Act of 1933

    President Roosevelt signs the Securities Act of 1933. The law is designed to reduce fraudulent activities on Wall Street.
  • The Home Owner's Loan Act of 1933

    President Roosevelt signs the Home Owners’ Loan Act of 1933. The law assists mortgage lenders and individual home owners by issuing bonds and loans for troubled mortgages, back taxes, home owners’ insurance, and necessary home repairs. It creates the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) to administer the provisions of the act.
  • National Housing Act

    President Roosevelt signs the National Housing Act to facilitate greater lending for home construction, home purchasing, and home improvements. The law also creates the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
  • Soil Conservation Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Soil Conservation Act, creating the Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The new agency helps preserve America’s agricultural land from erosion and overuse. The SCS remains active for the next fifty years and helps facilitate the creation of thousands of state-level soil conservation districts, which still operate today.
  • Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935

    President Roosevelt creates the Resettlement Administration (RA) with Executive Order No. 7027, under authority of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. The RA is created to resettle destitute Americans, address environmental issues, and make loans to farmers. The program ends in 1937, with many duties and responsibilities taken over by the newly-created Farm Security Administration (FSA).