FDR and the New Deal

  • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

    Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
    Formed to regulate the prices and commodities of crops in America as a result of overproduction.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

    Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
    The Civilian Conservation Corps was a new agency formed under the new deal that gave young men jobs to work in forests. They would live there and be payed weekly, and would send the majority of their pay back home. From this agency came many parks and national forests.
  • Federal Emergency Relief

    Federal Emergency Relief
    $500 million given directly to the people through public services.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority act

    Tennessee Valley Authority act
    Created to maintain and operate the Wilson Dam, navigates floods, created 5 dams in its time
  • National Industrial Recovery act

    National Industrial Recovery act
    Recognized state of public emergency, authorizing the President to interfere with the economy to stimulate it.
  • Taylor Grazing Act

    Taylor Grazing Act
    President Roosevelt signs the Taylor Grazing Act into law, ending open grazing on public rangelands and establishing the Division of Grazing (later US Grazing Service) in the Department of Interior to regulate entry and practices on 80 million acres of previously unreserved federal lands
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Created jobs and agencies for the youth and minorities.
  • National Labor Relations act

    National Labor Relations act
    Enables workers to bargain and negotiate with employers.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Designed to relieve elderly poverty rates by saving part of people's paycheck to be payed back to them when they are retired
  • Election of 1936

    Election of 1936
    Democrats became the working party class and gained. African American voters to the party