Egyptsitesmap coloured

F.Barone Imperialism Project

  • Period: to

    British Imperialism

  • The French in Egypt

    The French in Egypt
    Before the age of Imperialism Egypt was a fairly unknown place to the Europeons. This changed when a French army led by Napoleon landed by the nile river. Napoleons's main goal was to disrupt Britain's trade with India. Though he failed in doing that Napoleon was able to defeat the Ottoman defenders in Egypt. His invasion started to interest Europeons about Egypt.
  • Mehemet Ali creates Egyption Government

    Mehemet Ali creates Egyption Government
    After Napoleon's invasion a Ottoman military officer named Mehemet Ali establishes a independent government. He invaded Sudan and syria and started modernizing Egypt.
  • British in Egypt

    British in Egypt
    Britain was mostly focused in stabilizing Egypt while merchants attempted to find business opportunities in the Nile Valley. Britain was in Egypt for those economical reasons. In 1869 the British opened the Suez canal which complicated things for the British in Egypt. Canal oppenents were afraid that British shipping would be completely dependent on the canal.
  • British Occupation and Egyption response

    British Occupation and Egyption response
    In the 1880's there was a series of revolts. Nationalist did not agree with who the British put in rule (Tewfik) so they rose up against him.
  • Riots in Alexandria

    Riots in Alexandria
    On june 11th, 1882 riots broke out in the city of Alexandria
  • Britsh and French response

    Britsh and French response
    Britain and France bombarded Alexandria in response to the riots
  • Egypt demands British leave

    Egypt demands British leave
    After the end of world war one Egyption leaders went to london and demanded that the British withdraw from Egypt. It was denied and Egyptions responded with violence.
  • New Egypt king

    New Egypt king
    When the British withdrew a man named Fuad be come the king and ruled egypt.