1836 to 1845 Events

  • Texas declares Independence from Mexico

    Texas declares Independence from Mexico
    Texas revolutionary Government formally declared its independence from Mexico
  • Capturing of Santa Ana

    Capturing of Santa Ana
    A large Texas army surprised Santa Ana's army at San Jacinto. Shouting remember the Alamo!
  • Sam Houston elected president

    Sam Houston elected president
    Sam Houston was elected president of The Republic of Texas after they won their independence from Mexico
  • Stephen F Austin dies

    Stephen F Austin dies
    The father of Texas dies
  • Mirabeau B Lamar elected president

    Mirabeau B Lamar elected president
    Became the second president of the Republic of Texas after Houston.
    (Winfrey, Dorman H. (October 1960). "The Texan Archive War of 1842". The Southwestern Historical Quarterly. p. 171. Retrieved July 22, 2019.)
  • Austin became new capital

    The capital was moved from Houston to Austin by new president Winfrey, Dorman H. (October 1960). "The Texan Archive War of 1842". The Southwestern Historical Quarterly. p. 171. Retrieved July 22, 2019.
  • Lone Star flag

    Lone Star flag
    The Republic of Texas adopted the Lone Star flag
  • Sam Houston elected president

    Sam Houston elected president
  • Rafeal Vasquez and army invade Texas

    First invasion since the Revolution (Winfrey, Dorman H. (October 1960). "The Texan Archive War of 1842". The Southwestern Historical Quarterly. p. 171. Retrieved July 22, 2019.)
  • San Antonio captured

    Winfrey, Dorman H. (October 1960). "The Texan Archive War of 1842". The Southwestern Historical Quarterly. p. 171. Retrieved July 22, 2019.
  • Joint Resolution

    Joint resolution to annex Texas passed US House of Representatives
  • Cuevas-Smith Treaty

    Treaty between Mexico and Texas signed guaranteeing Texas Independence so long as it remains separate Republic
  • Texas annexed by US

    Becoming the 28th state