Fashion Timeline

  • 1600-50s

    In the 1600s, large, broad lace or linen collars were very popular. All mens and womens clothing had a high tapered waist. Men wore tall and/or broad brimmed hate and a type of pants called breeches. Full slashed sleeves were also a statement in 1600s fashion.
    Source: 1600s Fashion
  • Period: to

    Fashion Timeline

  • 1650-1700s

    In the 1650s through the 1700s, the fashion trends changed quite a bit. Coats and waistcoats became popular for men and women. Men started wearing an outfit called a breeches costume. Low waists in clothing also became popular for both men and womens fashion. Women began wearing dresses with low, broad necklines and tightly tied corsets. These dresses were decorated with intricate petticoats.
    Source: Baroque 1650-1700s
  • 1700-1799

    During the 1700s, all of the clothing was very extravagant. Women wore a dress called a manteau. It was draped and pleated all along the back of the dress, while there was an embroidered "stomacher" that was presented in the front. Hoop skirts also became very popular, having a long, waterfall train in the back. The men wore Justaucorps which were tight, large cuffed jackets.
    Source: 1700-1799s Fashion
  • 1800-1899s

    Fashion in the 1800s, was very Grecian inspired with curtain-like draping. The dresses lost the fullness and petticoats and was replaced by a more form-fitting, loose style.
    Source: 1800s Fashion
  • 1900s

    Fashion in the period 1900-1909 in European and European-influenced countries continued the long elegant lines of the 1890s. Tall, stiff collars characterize the period, as do women's broad hats and full "Gibson girl" hairstyles. Mens beards became less pointed and hair on all genders was popularly worn short.
    Source: 1900s Fashion
  • 1920s

    The 1920s was the decade in which fashion entered the modern era. It was the decade in which women first liberated themselves from constricting fashions and began to wear comfortable clothes (such as short skirts or pants). Men likewise abandoned overly formal clothes and began to wear sport clothes for the first time.
    Source: <ahref='http://' >1920s</a>
  • 1950s Fashion

    1950s Fashion
    Flying in the face of continuity, logic, and erudite sociological predictions, fashion in the 1950s, far from being revolutionary and progressive, bore strong nostalgic echoes of the past. A whole society which, in the 1920s and '30s, had greatly believed in progress, was now much more circumspect.
    Source: 1950s