Farm Bill 1933
The first farm bill went into effect, and effected 99% of farmers at the time. The first bill was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which had a goal of pushing producers to not farm all of their acreage, and bought livestock from farmers as well to limit the market. -
Farm Bill 1933; Unconstitutional!
The Supreme Court, in 1937, decided the AAA was unconstitutional. The AAA was then re-written and then it was passed again! -
Farm Bill 2014
Although the 2014 Farm Bill was not well received for farmers, it did have some benefits. The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program was given $100 million for new farmers, plus more training for veteran farmers. They also added a new farm bill, Military Veteran Farmers. This created a new position, The Military Veteran Agricultural Liaison, at the USDA, which helped military veterans pursue careers in agriculture and access USDA programs. -
Farm Bill 2014
This farm bill was signed into law February 7th, 2014. A big economic implication from this bill was that is cut the SNAP program by $8 billion. Although such a large amount was cut from this program, it did begin a pilot program that encouraged welfare recipients to look for a job. -
Farm Bill 2018; Hemp
The Hemp Farming Act was a proposed to law that wished to remove hemp from the "Schedule I Controlled Substances" list. It was agreed upon and was included in the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp is defined as "cannabis with less that 0.3% THC." -
Farm Bill 2018
This is the most recent farm bill passed, and it was reconciled at $867 billion. It was agreed on by the Senate with 87-13, and then by the House of Representatives 369-47.