Farm Bill Timeline

  • Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)

    Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)
    Franklin D. Roosevelt became president and the AAA was one of the first proposals under the New Deal. The purpose of the AAA was to restore the purchasing power to farmers of pre-World War I levels.
  • AAA

    In 1936, the supreme court ruled the AAA unconstitutional. They stated that by regulating farming, the federal government was invading areas of jurisdiction that was reserved by the constitution of states.
  • Freedom to Farm Act

    The Freedom to Farm Act was a reform for the outdated legislation we had from the Depression Era. It gave farmers more flexibility and less government regulation over their farms.
  • Freedom to Farm Act

    It aimed to reduce subsidies and government influence over farm products. It also pays for and promotes conservation practices in agriculture.
  • Food, Conservation, and Energy Act

    Food, Conservation, and Energy Act
    In 2008, this law passed and was a $288 billion, five-year agriculture policy bill and was a continuation of the 2002 Farm Bill.
  • Agriculture Act of 2014

    Agriculture Act of 2014
    This act makes major changes in commodity programs, adds new crop insurance programs, streamlines conservation programs, modifies some provisions of SNAP, and expands programs for specialty crops, organic farmers, bioenergy, rural development, and beginning farmers and ranchers.
  • Agriculture Act of 2014

    Agriculture Act of 2014
    This Bill was signed on February 7, 2014 and will remain in effect until 2018. The bill projects that 80% will fund nutrition, 8% crop insurance, 6% conservation programs, 5% commodity programs, and 1% will fund all other programs.