Famous Individuals of Early Childhood Education

  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

    Translated the Bible from Latin to vernacular language, allowing people to be educated in their own language.
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    John Comenius

    Thought early experiences formed what a child would be like.
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    John Locke

    Believed children's experiences determine who they are. Experiences are the basis of all learning.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Advocated natural approaches to child rearing.
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    Johann Pestalozzi

    Believed all education is based on sensory impressions.
    Promoted the idea that the mother could best teach children.
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    Robert Owen

    Held that environment determines children's, beliefs, behaviors, and achievements.
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    Friedrich Froebel

    Believed children develop through "unfolding."
    Compared children to growing plants.
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    John Dewey

    Progressive education movement.
    Children's interest form the basis of the curriculum.
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    Maria Montessori

    Help to develop learning materials to meet the needs of young children.
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    Jean Piaget

    Established the theory of cognitive development based on ages and stages.
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    Lev Vygotsky

    Established the sociocultural theory, which emphasizes importance of interpersonal relationship in social and cognitive development.
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    Erik Erikson

    Established the theory of psychosocial development-cognitive development occurs in conjunction with social development.
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    Abraham Maslow

    Established the theory of self-actualization based on needs motivation.
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    Urie Beonfenbrenner

    Established the ecological system theory which believed children
    developed within a system of relationships.
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    Howard Gardner

    Established the theory of multiple intelligences.