Family Timeline

  • Period: to

    Family Timeline

  • Birth of My Father

  • Birth of My Mother

  • Meet Cute for My Parents

  • Birth of My Eldest Brother

  • Birth of My Older Brother

  • Birth of My Eldest Sister

  • Birth of My Older Sister

  • My Day of Birth

  • Parents Got Married

  • Immigrated to Hawaii

  • Birth of My Eldest Nephew

  • Moved to Missouri

  • Birth of My Second Nephew

  • Birth of My Third Nephew

  • Birth of My Fourth Nephew

  • Birth of My Eldest Niece

  • Graduated High School

  • Birth of My Second Neice

  • Birth of My Third Neice

  • Death of My Eldest Brother

  • Birth of Third Neice

  • Birth of 5th Nephew

  • Birth of Nephew

  • Birth of Fourth Neice

  • Graduated from College

  • Birth of Nephew

  • Birth of Nephew

  • Lost a Nephew

  • Birth of Neice

  • Birth of Miricale Neice

  • Started Graduate School