Family and Consumer Sciences Timeline

  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    Educator of family Consumer Sciences, help extend women rights in education, as well as develop k-12 education precisely K-3
  • Land Grant College Act

    This is known as the Morrill Act of 1862, An Act Donating Public Lands to the Several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, signed by President Abraham Lincoln
  • University of Arkansas

    Became one of the first Land Grant Universities in Arkansas
  • Justin Smith Morrill

    Was a Representative and Senator from Vermont, remembered for establishing funding through the Land-Grant Act for Universities and Colleges across the United States.
  • Land grant Universities

    Historically Black Universities established under the Morrill Act of 1890
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

    The HBCU in Arkansas in Pine Bluff becomes one of the Land Grant Universities
  • The Beginning of FACS

    When 11 people had gathered in a conference in NewYork at Lake Placid
  • Home Economics

    This was the first name chartered.
  • Picture of Family consumer Sciences

    Picture of Family consumer Sciences
  • American Home Economics Association

    After 10 Conferences the name of the organization.
  • New Originization

    New Originization
    This is where the new orginization was chartered
  • ellen Richards

    ellen Richards
    Founded American Home Economics
    Association, the first female & graduate professor MIT, activist for consumer education, nutrition, child protection, industrial safety, public health, career education.
  • Smith Lever Act

    the national Cooperative Extension Service that extended outreach programs through land-grant universities to educate rural Americans about advances in agricultural practices and technology.
  • Smith Hughes Act

    that provided federal aid to the states for the purpose of promoting precollegiate vocational education in agricultural and industrial trades and in home economics
  • Betty Lamp

    Betty Lamp
    This was the new symbol adopted for family Consumer Sciences
  • integration

    Integration of school for whites and blacks for education
  • vocational training act

    expanded to bring harmony and variety of job training.
  • Vocational training act of 1968 &1973

  • vocational act

    states receiving federal funding for vocational education to develop and carry out activities and programs to eliminate gender bias, stereotyping, and discrimination in vocational education
  • Carl D Perkins Act

    the act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order to help the economy.
  • New Name

    The new name for the orginization changed to Family Consumer Sciences
  • no child left behind act

    The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) was a U.S. Act of Congress that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; it included Title I provisions applying to disadvantaged students. It supported standards-based education reform based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals could improve individual outcomes in education.