Families timeline By Julia DeJonge

  • Birth

    Life Event: I was born in the St. Catharines Hospital. It was a life event because this was when I started living in this world.
  • Starting School

    Starting School
    Social Institution: I started junior kindergarten which was the first institution that I was a part of. I learned how to interact in school. It was the beginning of my education.
  • Moving

    Transition: I moved to a new neighbourhood which changed my status because I moved to a larger home in a nicer location.
  • High school

    High school
    Social norms: I learned the social norms of high school and developed new friendships. I gained independence in my learning, developed the best study methods and learned how to interact in a classroom setting.
  • Planning future and Applying to University

    Planning future and Applying to University
    Role Set: I had to decide on what I enjoyed doing and how I will make a career out of the programs that I like. I had to decide which courses I enjoyed and which programs incorporate these courses to make a career.
  • Started University

    Started University
    Cohort: I will start my program and move away from home. I will also meet a cohort of new people who are also interested in the same things as me and who also are going through the same experiences. I will find out what I enjoy in University and also have more of a clear idea what I want to do in the future.
  • Work for 3 years

    Work for 3 years
    I will work for three years in order to pay off my dept and to save up money for me to get my Masters in Counseling. I will experience a role conflict as I want to continue my education but I must save my money and work so I can afford to return.
  • Return to University to Obtain Masters in Counselling

    Return to University to Obtain Masters in Counselling
    I will return to University in order to obtain my Masters in Counselling. This will change my status as I will change from a Social Worker to a Counselor. I will also be at a higher pay grade once I achieve getting my Masters.
  • Work as a Counsellor

    Work as a Counsellor
    I will work for a company at the beginning of my career. I will have role strain as I want to open my own practice but I will have to work for a long time with a company as I save up money to work on my own.
  • Open my own practice

    Open my own practice
    I will open my own practice once I have saved up enough money. I will have the role of being my own boss as I would be my own employer.