Sarah's Personal Timeline

  • The Day I was Born

    The Day I was Born
    How this impacted me: The day I was born is a major life event. Can not achieve my goals without being born Terms that go along with this event: Life Event
  • The day I started Elementary school

    The day I started Elementary school
    How this impacted me: The day I started elementary school was the day I transitioned from being just a daughter and sister to a student as well. Starting elementary school is the beginning of my education. Without beginning my education I would not be able to develop my brain properly Terms that go along with this event: Transition, Social Norm, Social Institution
  • The day I started middle school

    The day I started middle school
    How this impacted me: The day I started middle school was a continuation of developing my mind more. Terms that go along with this event: Transition, Social Norm, Social Institution
  • First trip away from home on my own

    First trip away from home on my own
    How this impacted me: Creating life skills - learning how to be away from home/family. Terms that go along with this event: Life Event, Role Strain
  • Transitioned to high school

    Transitioned to high school
    How this impacted me: Continuation of education, development of my brain, learn skills for college/university Terms that go along with this event: Transition, Social Norm, Social Institution
  • First job interview

    First job interview
    How this impacted me: Learning skills for future interviews. Figure out what I can improve upon for future interviews. Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Social norm, Role conflict
  • Started Co-op

    Started Co-op
    How this impacted me:
    Learning if the career I think I want to do is what I actually want to do. Gain work experience Terms that go along with this event: Role conflict, Life Event
  • Finish High School

    Finish High School
    How this will impact me: Completion of my required education.Leads into my post secondary education. Beginning of a new experience in life. Terms that go along with this event: Transition, life event, social norm
  • First Apartment

    First Apartment
    How this will impact me: I’ll be learning how to budget my money and it'll give me a sense of accomplishment Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Social norm
  • Beginning college

    Beginning college
    How this will impact me: It is a major continuation of my education, development of my brain, creates more possibilities in life Terms that go along with this event: Transition, Life Event, Social Institution, Role Conflict
  • Obtain ECE Diploma

    Obtain ECE Diploma
    How this will impact me: Gives me the ability to obtain a career in the field that I want Terms that go along with this event: Life Event, Status
  • First ECE Job

    First ECE Job
    How this will impact me:It creates income and it will give me a feel of what it is like to actually be working with children for a longer period of time. Terms that go along with this event: Role set, Life event, Social Norm,status, Cohort
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    How this will impact me: It will create status in my life, and increases feelings of happiness Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Status, Social role, Role Conflict
  • First House

    First House
    How this will impact me: It will give a sense of pride and accomplishment Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Social Norm
  • Have Children

    Have Children
    How this will impact me: It will decrease my free time but it’ll be worth it. It will give a sense of pride. I will need to budget more Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Status, Role Conflict
  • Retire

    How this will impact me: It will give me free time to do whatever I please Terms that go along with this event: Life event, Social Norm