Families in Canada Timeline

  • When I Was Born

    This is a life event since it was when I was put on this Earth.
  • Moving

    This is a life event because by moving to Wasaga a domino affect was created. I met my friends, went to a good school etc. My life would have been so much different if I had stayed in Toronto.
  • First Day of School

    This was a huge life event because that first day set into motion my educational journey. It also introduced me into a new social institution where I took on the role of student.
  • Friends

    This was a life event because this was when I established my first secure friend group. The people I befriended are still my friends to this day, and the bonds we formed will likely last for life. I was also put into another social institution when introduced to this friend group, taking on the role of friend, and these people were part of the cohort that I grew up with.
  • Eighth Grade Graduation

    It was the the marker for a huge transition from one educational environment and social scene to another. It also meant that I was growing up, my status changing from kid to young adult.
  • First Day Of High School

    This was significant because it was my first day in a new school, being introduced to a new social institution and a million possibilities for the next four years were put in front of me. It was up to me to make them the best four years ever.
  • Co-op

    This was huge because it was the first time that I really explored a career path that I though I wanted to go down. I was a T.A at Huronia Centennial, and that half a school year was very eye widening. I learned that I didn't want to teach third graders for a living ( it was fun but very tiring), and gave me anew sense of responsibility. Being in that new social institution kept me busy, and I learned so much while at my co-op placement.
  • First Relationship

    This was significant because it was the first time that I was part of a couple, This put me in a new role as a girlfriend, but it also caused role strain since my best friend didn't like my significant other, so I had to try to be a loyal friend and a caring girlfriend. This was also a huge transition from being just friends to something more.
  • High School Graduation

    This will be a huge life event because with that diploma I will be able to pursue a career and continue on my own life journey. That day will mark the end of four years of hard work and amazing memories.
  • Driver's Liscence

    By this point I hope to have at least my G2, giving me freedom to go where I please. This will be a major life event since it will grant me so much responsibility, and I will have a new role as a driver.
  • Post Secondary Education

    By this point I'm hoping that I will be in a college or university, preferably an art college so I can hone my creativity and develop my skills as an artist. This will be a life event since post secondary schooling will prepare me for a career. It will also be a new social institution, and I may experience some role strain between my education, my job, my friends and my relationship, if I have one at that point.