Fallout 4

  • Increasing Geopolitical Aggression

    The united states becomes more aggressive politically to secure its oil needs
  • Energy Crisis In America

    Energy crisis causes fuel to become extremely expensive, prompting more research into nuclear fusion
  • Resource Wars

    Wars are fought over the few remaining natural resources on Earth
  • United Nations Disbanded

    After increasing geopolitical turmoil, the United Nations is dissolved
  • New Plague Emerges

    Plague emerges that wipes out millions of people
  • Tel Aviv Nuked

    Tel Aviv is destroyed by a nuclear weapon, setting the stage for global nuclear war
  • Project Safehouse Begins

    Project Safehouse intends to construct a series of vaults with the intent to preserve civilisation after nuclear war
  • European Union Collapses

    The European Union collapses and devolves into civil war
  • China Nears Economic Collapse

    China's reliance on fossil fuels forces it into recession as prices skyrocket
  • Invasion Of Alaska

    China invades the Alaskan peninsula to secure its oil needs, prompting a war with the United States
  • United States Invades China

    The United States counter attack and invade mainland China
  • Annexation of Canada

    The United States annexes Canada to exploit its oil reserves and other natural resources
  • Period: to

    The Great War

    The nuclear war the destroys civilisation and sets the scene for the fallout games